"An year ago I bought a $2.1K HP laptop from MS store. The purchase included the laptop PLUS the 4 yr extended warranty that it lets you add to the cart along with the laptop. Both MS store and Best buy had the same laptop but the MS store was cheaper overall because of the extended warranty that was offered. That was the only reason I went for it. Clicked buy and it's all good I thought. They sent the laptop but I noticed the extended warranty part of the order was still in pending state. I really didn't bother because I assumed (how wrong I was) it would resolve automatically after a few weeks, may be after the return window expires. I thought I'll worry about it once the manufacturer warranty expires.
1 year later the laptop had many driver issues and luckily no major H/W issues. Now that the manufacturer warranty expired I tried to contact MS store customer service about the extended warranty that was in the order. They say there's no extended warranty since that part of the order is still pending state. They claim the transaction didn't go through for whatever reason. Nobody knows why it's still in pending state. I tell them the purchase amount was for the cost of both and it can't be an issue with credit card or payment gateway since they charged me for the laptop and it got delivered without any issue. They didn't care and they really don't know why.
Some screwup in MS store and now I have a $2k laptop that can fail anytime. I should have gone for the bestbuy unit even though it was costly. They say I can get the extended warranty from HP directly. When I check HP site, it's like $17 per month or so, which is double the price the extended warranty that was offered in MS store at the time of purchase.
MS store customer service is pretty horrible. There's no easy option in the first place to contact for such issues. And I had to be transferred many times before I spoke to someone and after all that they basically said get lost you are on your own.
Basically they lured me into this purchase by flashing an extended warranty that didn't really work or exist. Now they are blaming for no following up about it earlier.
Moral of the story. Don't buy anything more that $10 from MS store. It's a dying business and they really don't care. You also should keep away.
"I bought xbox elite controller series 2 for €190. Couldn't use it because one of the button didnt work. I rang customer service and I was offered a REPAIR!!!! not replacement not even refund just a repair for a broken device I have received. send it back 10 days later I got back repaired controller that I had have even used. Today 2 months later its got broken again. Guess what I have been offered? A REPAIR.!!!! Don't bother to buy anything from them. Terrible customer service that I have never experienced before with any company."
"charged my card without even picking payment method exited page and got email about purchases"
"Hey, speaking from personal experience before buying the I am little but Skeptical to buy or not but to give a try first I bought a MS office 2019 it is working like a Charm, so then after a week or so I bought Windows 10 pro. All Legit ,
Thanks microsoftprokey.com"
"I bought a digital game that did not work and they would not give me a refund. I played three times and all three times the first level would crash and erase all my save data. All three times was in a matter of a week. So I did not have the game very long and yet they would not make things right. If you spend your money you take a risk of something broken and not being compensated for it"
"Should have read these reviews first!!! tried to order merchandise twice from this company. The first time after shipping and quickly withdrawing my money, they contacted UPS and requested that it be returned to the store. No explanation,no email no nothing! (Guess somebody needed it more than I did). Now I had to wait a whole week to get my money back. Second time(I guess I was the fool here for giving them another shot). Confirmed my order, took my money then cancel my order hours later not before taking my money because “ too many declined payment “ )mind you this time I did this transaction on the phone with a rep and he assured me all was confirmed). WHAT A JOKE!! THE MONEY WAS ALREADY DEDUCTED!!! Now I’m waiting again for the hold on my account to fall off. This company is a joke!!!!! Stay far far
"Coronavirus brakes out and my wife is a doctor responding to the outbreak. I'm a teacher who needs to scramble and put together a distance learning curriculum while homeschooling a five year old and a six year..... You can safely say I was fairly stressed out and my first priority wasn't asking for a refund at the Microsoft store. I purchased a video series for my high school students but I am having technical difficulties. I asked for a refund but Microsoft refused!!! Outside the two week window....a once in a lifetime pandemic is going on?!?!?!? Requesting a refund wasn't at the top of the list. I was only a couple of weeks outside the window. The can clearly see we've only watched one show."
"Bought a game on the Microsoft store, was not able to install on my PC. Tried to return it 5 minutes after purchase, but contrary to every other digital game carrier, their games are final sale and not returnable. "
"2x een bedrag voor een product, vervolgens al 6 weken bezig om het bedrag 1x terug te krijgen. Elke een andere 'smoes' waarom het geld nog niet kan worden uitgekeerd. Het grote microsoft is het aan het onderzoeken. ik vraag me af wat dan. Terugbellen is lastig, vervolgens zijn het nummer kwijt. Ze mogen niets zeggen over het onderzoek, en als enige bedrijf hebben ze problemen met ideal.
Ik bestel nooit meer iets via de microschoften store"
"I purchased the Microsoft Home Edition. I am very happy because I just needed the basics for my job. I loved how fast it was to find it and select it on this website. I love the simplicity of it. "
"We purchased a (new?) Dell 5680 on pi Day to take advantage of their sale price. BTW, the sale price was only a few dollars off the price for the same system elsewhere.It's easy to inflate the retail price and then claim a bargain.
We purchased the computer on 3/15/2019. It arrived on 3/19/2019. So far so good. Workload kept us from opening the box and trying the computer until today (4/16/2019). SURPRISE! Following the instructions (honest), we connected it and turned it on accompanied by a noise and a cloud of smoke. Probably power supply, although we have not opened the case.
Our first thought (after putting out the fire) was to send it back. Fat chance. Microsoft conditions of sale are written to absolve them of ANY liability whatsoever. We may still do a charge back, but in the meantime, we decided to contact Dell support.
Looking at the computer service tag, we found that the computer was assembled in March, 2018, and originally shipped on March 17, 2018. The warranty on the shipping box says one year; the warranty on the Dell site expires in August, 2019, giving us less than a six-month warranty. We strongly suspect that the computer is a return, illegally sold as new.
We told Dell tech support the computer would not power up and was smoking. We finally got Dell tech support (English as a second language) to understand that no, we could not run diagnostics. We have a service order in progress.
1. Microsoft sold us a computer that was dead on arrival.
2. It's very likely that the computer is NOT new as advertised.
3. The actual warranty is only half the promised warranty.
4. The Microsoft web page for the product states "Free Returns"; not true.
5. Microsoft conditions of sale are oppressive.
6. Their "bargain" price was only 20% as good as they advertised compared with other vendors.
7. They did ship quickly."
"I bought a product from the Microsoft store and it didn't work properly. Microsoft refused to refund the money. Theyre criminals and thieves. I asked for a refund 2 minutes after purchase. If you want your money stolen this is the company for you! Stay away from the Microsoft store and use Steam."
"Microsoft’s last update took away my laptop’s Wi-Fi and the USB ports’ abilities to run drives and headphones; now I have to do a full system restore, to fix what they did. So, just one more user who hates Microsoft. Switching over to Linux Mint 64."
"Years ago (in 2016) I attempted to purchase an ASUS Zenbook from this store. It was on sale, and I placed the order. I received the tracking number and checked on it for several days running. Long story short, it was actually a PHANTOM shipment. These people actually created a UPS tracking number without ANY PRODUCT ATTACHED, if you can believe that, however, they were so kind (sarcasm) as to actually bill me for this phantom product. Clearly they were not going to come clean and tell me what happened, so I had to call them and they reversed the charges, telling me they were out of stock. So I had to grit my teeth and give them 5 stars for their refunding capability after they tried to rip me off for $600.
And guess what? Under my account on their site it still shows that I purchased that product!!"
"Bought a new Alcatel Idol phone from them months ago. I didn't work. Called about returning or exchanging it and got nothing but stall, stall stall, and then a referral to another outside vendor where they dump their customers whose product is no longer on current offer."