"I ordered an articulating mount for my 52" Sony Bravia, my order shipped very quickly and received in 3 days. The product I received is very sturdy, mounts easily, and does what it claims to do. No twist or drop like the previous one I bought from another store. It went up in about an hour. Very important that you bolt it into wall studs, though. The price you pay is well below the quality I received compared to the mounts they sell at retail store. Perfect A++++"
"I received the order within 2 days of my order date with mount-it.net. I am pretty impressed by the fast shipment as well as the quality of the mount. I checked a similar mount at BestBuy the other day and it costs 3 times as much. Why pay so much when you can get the same quality mount at this great price. I can now use spare money towards my other purchases. Thank you again for a solid buying experience. A+++