"I was really satisfied with my order at My Miracle Baby. The personalization was awesome!
I especially love the variety of personalized products they have! Great Quality at Good Price!"
"I ordered 2 coveralls from them.
I ordered one in size 12-18 months for now and one in 2t for later on in the winter,you know how fast little ones grow.
The one in 12-18 mos is the same size as a carters brand 6-9 mos size, the 2t is the same size as a carter sz. 9-12mos and a carters sz12 mos. So neither fit my 1 year old grandson that wears 12-18 mos size.
I contacted my miracle baby and because I had them personalized they have a no return policy even though the sizes are miss tagged.
She said she went and checked on them and they are not mis-tagged. I can't explain why my 1 year old average hight and weight can't fit into even the 2 year size. She said they sell 100s of them and have not had a sizing problem, they can't take them back or give me a refund but she would contact the owner and let me know if theres anything they could do for me.
Now I'm just waiting to see if they are giong to make good on this or not. I sure hope so, the cover-alls are good quality and the shipping was very fast!! I will post the final out-come as soon as this is over.
Thanks. Melissa"
"I am pasting the emails I received from this online childrens clothing retailer below. I couldn't explain it any better in my own words...
To: My Miracle Baby.com Hello, what are all the colors in this set? Do the suspenders have ANY blue in them? My son is 1 year old & weighs 27-pounds he is 18-24 months. What size do you suggest? it is for a wedding in the end of June. Thanks so much! RESPONSE FROM MY MIRACLE BABY:
The colors are beiges and browns. I suggest a 3T. My Miracle Baby Customer Care: Hello, Do you have the measurements for this? My son is only 1 and wears 18-24M and 3T sounds so big! It's very important that it fits because the wedding is June 30th & that doesn't me leave much room for error. Can I have the measurments? Also I didn't receive your reply if it has any blue in it. Thanks so much!
RESPONSE FROM MY MIRACLE BABY: All I can do for you is send you both sizes 2T and 3T and somehow trust that you'll send me back the one that doesn't fit. That is all I can do for you. Donna Bliss To: My Miracle Baby Customer Care: Hello again, Do you have the measurments? That would be most helpful, so I can compare them to his measurments. I honestly would rather not get both sizes, & have to pay extra for the return shipping for the set that doesn't fit, but thank you for the offer. Please tell me if the suspenders have any blue in them? It looks similar to a set I saw somewhere else that had blue in the suspenders. I can't tell because there's no option to zoom in on your website to see details. RESPONSE FROM MY MIRACLE BABY: Sorry, I cant help you any longer. I thought it was more than generous of me to send both and have you send one back! I was willing to handle the extra shipping to make sure you got what you needed for your special day. Donna Bliss
To: My Miracle Baby Customer Care: Hi, I'm confused...did I insult you, by asking for the measurments & the colors? I appreciate your genorosity in offering to send me both sizes, but... you never mentioned you would pay the extra shipping charge, so I assumed I would have to pay extra to ship both sets & again to ship back the one that did not fit. Which is why I didn't wish to do that. Your unprofessional reply is uncalled for, thanks anyway, I will do my shopping elsewhere. Have a nice day.
RESPONSE FROM MY MIRACLE BABY: GROW UP! Donna Bliss RESPONSE FROM MY MIRACLE BABY: We ARE suggesting you shop elsewhere. We cannot give you the personalized attention you need. Lori Assistant Manager
This below was emailed to me by the BUSINESS OWNER!DONNA BLISS
((My responses to it are in capital letters & parenthesis)):
FROM MY MIRACLE BABY: I know. You get 20,000 good customers and then there's one that just thinks the world revolves around her.(YES,WITH 4 KIDS, A P/T JOB, AND VOLUNTEERING AT THE LOCAL HOSPICE IN MY SPARE TIME...I SUPPOSE THE WORLD SHOULD REVLOVE AROUND ME! BESIDES CARING FOR MY FATHER IN MY HOME DYING FROM LUNG,COLON AND BRAIN CANCER)I simply recommended that she shop elsewhere because I could not give her the personal attention and guarantees she was requiring. (YOU COULDN'T GIVE MEASURMENTS??? I ASKED FOR MEASURMENTS YOU FOOL!!! AND IF THE SUSPENDERS HAD BLUE IN THEM!!! IF THAT'S "PERSONAL ATTENTION" YOU NEED TO CLOSE UP SHOP & GO WORK FOR RONALD MCDONALD!) THAT'S YOUR J-O-B! HELLO!!!!I have many wonderful caring customers who we do cartwheels for (YEAH, WHO?THE ONES THAT DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!) and sometimes there are customers you know you are never going to please.(I CAN'T BELIEVE THESE ARE THE OWNERS WORDS!)If this is how she spends her spare time, all I can say is I feel sorry for her. Maybe if she had a job,or a hobby, or actually went shopping with her child, she wouldn't have to harass business owners. ((SO YOUR SUGGESTING ANY MOTHER THAT SHOPS ONLINE FOR HER CHILD IS LAZY? THAN WHAT THE @#$! ARE YOU IN THE CHILDREN'S CLOTHING BUSINESS FOR??? HONEY, IF YOU KNEW MY HOBBIES & RESPONSIBILITIES YOU WOULD FALL OUT OF YOUR CHAIR. MY ENTIRE FAMILY OF 6 IS IN A WEDDING PARTY THIS MONTH, SO EXCUSE THE HELL OUT OF ME FOR TRYING TO SAVE TIME BY SHOPPING ONLINE! ((I GOT A MUCH CUTER & CHEAPER SUIT ELSEWHERE "ONLINE" AND GET THIS> THEY OFFERED ME THE MEASURMENTS AND SENT ME ADDITIONAL PHOTOS ...WITHOUT ME EVEN ASKING!))
My attorney called it slander (HAHAHA LOL) and may want to pursue it. (I'M GETTING SCARED NOW.)