"the worst on line dress supplier ever. Words can not adequately explain how bad i was treated by this company. I first put in an order for a dress at noon on wednesday, no one got back to me until tuesday the following week after i called them. Two hours later i received an email saying that my card was decline. So waited till later that day and reorder d dress, they waited till 2 days later to tell me my card was decline again. So i called and asked them why was my card being decline. I know i had sufficient. they told me that something that was theft related, it made no sense. i went ahead and order another dress for 2 days delivery. I called add was told that my order was been process and was suppose to receive it on saturday, the day of the event. that day came and passed without hearing from then. receivedd an email saying that my order was cancelled, thats my story in a nut sfhell "
RSR Acquisition, LLC