"I place an order for a Laptop charger thu Buy.com but later found out it was coming from Ottomantrade.com, after problems arise, the problem was according to the tracking info my item arrived @my local post post office on 11/15/10 and was out for delivery that same day, 4 days later nothing I emailed Ottomantrade.com, 3 days later no reply I then called Buy.com the rep told me to email Otomantrade I said I already did he then said ok "I will find out what's going on and I'll get back to you" never heard back from Buy.com I took the tracking info I had and went to the post office they found my charger on a back shelf so all is good but I'm pis @ Buy.com and Ottomantrade.com for their lack of costumer service and follow up what if I didn't do their leg work and didn't find my item I would've been left in the cold by these two Companys shame on you Buy.com and Ottomantrade.com. "