"Trying to fix a dead screen on a G4 Tibook, I was depressed at the thought of having to pay $600 for a new one, so despite being warned in the strongest possible terms not to try it on the Tibook, I went ahead, ordered the lamp (from Digikey - $13) and tried to replace it myself. After several hours, managed to peel apart the screen, replace the lamp and tried it out. Still dead. Had to be the inverter. The only place that had one that I oculd find was PBfixit. Not only that, but they had guaranteed used parts AND great fixit guides (HTML or PDF) that show how to replace the part. Took the chance because of the web design and product and guides. These guys are SERIOUS about fixing PBs. Ordered late on the 25th (Friday); got the part on Tues, the 29th, Easy replacement, punched the button, screen came alive. Our family has another working PB! WOrd to the wise - DO NOT try to replace the fluorescent lamp yourself. Apple GLUES the Ti screen covers together. You can do it, but it's just about impossible to put it back together without advanced metalworking and glue tech. However, PBfixit came thru!! Great web site, good prices, good service. DEFINITELY would order from them again and will rec them to our local Mac listserv."