"Purchased OZC Goliath, Ice Hole, 80mm Panaflo fan, two 18" blue rounded cabels, and one 18" blue floppy cable. The OCZ Goliath was backordered and OCZ delayed the shipment to them so it delyaed my order, but they upgraded my shipping to UPS 2nd Day Air for free so I still got my order the same day I would have originally by UPS Ground. Great company, and I recommend them. They are very customer oriented."
"I've purchased from these guys quite a few times now. The service is excellent and so is the merchandise. I found out that they are now offering Game Servers through BFGservers.com and WOW, nice pings. Everything I've ordered has been as advertised and they even do free shipping!"
"Excellent service!!!
Fast delivery and it's free!!!
I will do business with PCMutants.com again!"
"Ordered a Lian Li Pc 65 from them it came with free shipping that's the main reason I used them, Great customer support. the package is to arrive on Tuesday March 19th A++ So far will leave comments following delivery."