"I found my tech James a wonderful help. His tune up and repair of my system was excellent. Thank you for your service. John P"
"PC healthline has done again an excellent job in clearing my computer of crap so I can again function as we all should be able to "
"PChealthline does a very good job of cleaning my computer."
"Adam did a wonderful job of fixing both my computers. He worked long and hard and never gave up. He did both computers at the same time. He is a very patient person and even when I hit the wrong button, he helped me through.
"Mike cleared up the problem I was having with error notices. He cleared out unwanted programs and was very helpful.
"Mac helped me this AM and did a great job. He would not let me go till I was satisfied with everything. Great job Mac. Thank You; John"
"Did good work. Appreciate the help.
shaun helped me and was polite, knowledgable, and very good with computer and fixed my problems
"Shaun did an excellent job of transferring my photos from my phone to my laptop. Very professional!!!!"
"great service Shaun. Appreciate the work you've done"
"i am so glad I can learn from you and it is worth "
"on a scale of 1 to 10 the tech support was a 10 . Sourabh Stayed with me for nearly 2 hours, and cleaned up a real mess that I had. I cannot thank them enough. joseph Boccuto
"Very pleased with service"
"S0URABH, has helped me very much. He was very helpful and answered all of my questions. Was very patient with me. I am very thankful to all of your reps that help."
"Karen was very helpful and was very courtesy in her help with my questions and very patient"