"Seems the store merchandise has lessened to having new available items. All old clearance. If you absolutely need an outfit....doubt you can obtain one in the knick of time here. Staff is very nice and knowledgeable though!"
"i like the moundsville wv store but is crampedi do most of my pebbles shopping from the new martinsville wv store it has more room to display"
"One of my very favorite places to shop"
"The answser to #17 was only a 10 because I had a 50% cpn off clearance items and $10 off purchase. Saving $180, or I would had not purchased. Crazy cost for 3 shirts and thin jacket.. Sorry, but you are over priced. I do like a lot of your product's though. The staff is very friendly and make me feel welcomed."
"The store is a wreck. Nothing is organized. Items are not sorted by category or size. Cannot find anything. Three clerks standing behind the counter gabbing, no one offered assistance. Had to chase one clerk down on her way to lunch because she was hangry! Prior to that I tried to catch the manager after she announced she had to go to the restroom really bad, however she had the time to stop and take a big swig from her Mountain Dew before leaving the desk and then she went in the opposite direction of where I was standing waiting to ask someone a question!"
"Very nice. Everything reorganized from Christmas."
"Always enjoy browsing your store"
"The store was a mess, I know that is a crazy time of year but there is no excuse for a store to look this bad. Every department was a mess, there was not proper signage, they did not have the same product on the same rack, several items were on multiple racks all priced differently. How are customers going to know the price of anything? Things were not sized properly or even all hung together, there was one rack in kids that has infants, 2t-6x an 7-16 all together, the same items in 7-16 were also hanging on the back wall 4 racks away. I don't know how anyone finds anything in this store. I could not. Sadly I will not be returning to this store I will be doing my shopping online."
"Wait too long at checkout @ 80% of my visits. Register malfunctions or incapable cashiers. Never a cart to lean on. No help for the handicapped. My wait made me late for an appointment. Waited at counter over 40 mins. Going to cancel my credit card there. Had enough."
"I was very excited about the sale. The prices were amazing and I was able to finish my Christmas shopping!"
"I love shopping at Peebles. I love their wide variety of items and I can usually find something for everyone."