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"3 GOTCHAS THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW UP FRONT: WITH THE $99 ALL ACCESS YOU ARE SIGNING UP FOR A 2 YEAR ACCESS THAT WILL COST YOU $1999 i.e. $199 PER MONTH UNTIL THE ENTIRE $1999 IS PAID IN FULL, YOU MUST LOG IN TO THEIR WEBSITE TO CANCEL NO EXCEPTIONS (NO EMAILS OR VERBALS), YOU MUST CANCEL WITHIN 30 DAYS OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED A $600 CANCELLATION FEE. I think that preplogic has a good product but they just need to be more forthcoming about the $1999/2 year access; and they need to spell out in big bold letters that there is a $600 CANCELLATION FEE. Termination fees are an unfair, shady practice. When you call for one product, the salesperson offers to throw in a few other products for only $99 and that's what gets you in trouble, you're not just getting a few products thrown in, you're signing up for a 2 year unlimited access that cannot be cancelled after 30 days. At that point, they have you over a barrel because you either lose $600 and get nothing or you pay up. I specified verbally and via email that I did not want a continuing program yet after 30 days, my account was still charged $199 and I was told that it was too late to cancel. People need to understand that this company has orchestrated a program similar to CELL PHONES and GYM MEMBERSHIPS, ONLY THIS CANCELLATION FEE IS A WHOPPING $600. I've never seen this type of termination fee "policy" in the IT community. Is it even legal? If you read the fine print, there's a tiny bleep at the very bottom, "...What's your Safety Net...For just a short time you can get started on your Unlimited Access for just $99. Learn how. After that, you'll be set up on our easy Unlimited Access payment plan (9 payments of just $199)..." I can find no mention of cancellation fees."

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