"Aweaome deals and great customer service. "
"I can confirm the reports of counterfeit micro SD cards. I wish I had seen these reviews BEFORE I purchased a card from them. After Redtagonline refused to replace their dysfunctional product (horrible customer service), I turned to the manufacturer to honor the products warranty. In working with SanDisk I discovered that the card they sent me was only packaged and labeled to look like a SanDisk card, but was in fact not produced by SanDisk. I sincerely hope that Redtagonline goes out of business."
"I purchased an item from them via newegg as a marketplace vendor and they sold me an outright fake product. A 128gb SD Micro card that has Samsung stamped all over it but as they do NOT MAKE OR SELL OR PRODUCE IN ANYWAY a 128gb card this is a fake. Needless to say, on Newegg the vendor has a long history of selling fake items and if you google you will find others from other sites such as Sears making the same complaints. Stay Away!"