"I had a ReptiPro 5000 for years, and last September, I got the ReptiPro 6000 also. This thing is awesome! I have hatched chickens, ducks, and geckos for different projects, and have had great results every time. The customer service provided was excellent when I called to get my second incubator, and I got it the very next day. I am very pleased with this product. Best incubator for the price!"
"This was not made for chicken eggs (chicks) It is not safe for them as they can fall thru holes or area in front of door. Also humidity is very hard to controll and it has NO VENTS! water must be adjusted by opening door several times a day and adding to tiny groved trays at bottom. when my hatch was in progress humidity soared and I had chicks die a sticky and tramitic death. I have never had problems w/other incubators."