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Savvy The Beauty Apothecary

1 reviews
5.00 / 5

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"would say that Savvy Beauty is to women what candy shops are to kids. The store carries all kinds of special brand-name cosmetics. Each brand-name group of cosmetics is assigned to its own wall in the store. There are also designer perfumes, skincare products, manicure sets, make-up tools and accessories, and hair dryers. In short, this store has a little bit of everything related to make-up.

That is why I love shopping there. It gives me the opportunity to become acquainted with make-up companies I had never heard of before. And I like the fact that sometimes Savvy Beauty carries interesting cosmetic products that are exclusive to their store. And you will never be without assistance in Savvy Beauty. They greet you in a friendly manner and ask you if you need help. There are mirrors all over, so you can try on make-up if you wish. I get a kick out of just watching the customers enthusiastically trying on make-up. They look like they are really enjoying themselves, and I think that is what Savvy Beauty is all about–playing with make-up, experimenting, and having fun doing it! Many of those women look like natural beauties and don’t even need much make-up, in my opinion, but it’s just fun seeing them have a good time. Like I said, it is hard to resist the temptation to buy something there.

One time the sample product I received was facial cleanser, and another time it was body butter.


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