"This company does not send rebates, in my case a $60 one dating from mid-October 2004. This is not an isolated case because two friends I showed this "good monitor deal" to have also been defrauded.
TigerDirect, the retailer, finally sent their part of the rebate but only after I filed complaints here, with the FTC and the Miami BBB. TigerDirect denies responsibility for Sceptre's part of the rebate and says to contact Sceptre.
I wrote to Sceptre once, called three times and have emailed too many times to count. Initially they said part of my paperwork was "missing," so I had to send it three times, twice by mail and once by scanning and emailing it. Now they admit they have it all and make promises when I call, telling me the number of the check they sent me and the date it was mailed. Four such promises made during the past 6 weeks have all been lies.
Based on my experiences with Sceptre and TigerDirect, both should be avoided, especially if rebates are involved. "