"One of the best store i have purchased a kilt from"
"I have kilts from about everyone that sells kilts, i even have some that are specialty tailored to my specs.
I do have to say that this kilt is by far one of the best kilts I have and it is beautifully crafted and the color of the camo that I chose really accents the color of the kilt it's self. BUT!!! I just recived it so now let's see if it will with stand the KIRK test.
I am a over the road truck driver I pull a step deck trailer so I'm doing a lot of physical things when I'm loading and unloading plus I'm very active I have horses and I do a lot of outdoors stuff and I'm a Responsible American gun owner and I always pack a side arm and the magazine pouches are great.
I know now as I speak that I will purchase more kilts in the future hopefully the kilt will with stand my every day activities. Also I wear kilts as everyday wear I don't just play dress up so when I by a kilt and pay a good price for it I expect to get my monies worth and just by looking at the craft work the kilt will do the job"
"DO NOT do business with this "shop". It's a "scottish kilt" store front run out of Pakistan. It's been a month and still no product. When I finally get an email back, because the phone number is a non-working number, he chooses what to answer out of the email. I finally pinned him down and found out that even though he "infers, insinuates and implies" the kilts are made in Scotland they are indeed made in Pakistan!!!"