"The product was shipped very quickly and is of the high quality. I am more than pleased with the vendor's description and shipment, but the real prize was the server hard disk drive that I ordered. It is better than I expected and should provide more than adequate protection of my server. It was a very nice deal. I will shop from here again.
"I recently bought some parts for my dell computer that had some damaged parts, i went on the eBay and i found a store that was selling all kinds of parts for dell and hp. I went ahead and bought from them a dell hard drive and a motherboard later i had another computer i needed to fix so i remembered skydaz i goggled skydaz technologies and went to their website www.skydaz.com and found even more parts at these great prices also the quality of the parts was great. i'm amazed that a business like this still offers great prices and amazing products in this kind of economy. Thanks to all at skydaz.com "