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Skyview Appliances & Electronics

1 reviews
1.00 / 5

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"I dealt with them in person - terrible!!!
save your self the 10% you want to save and go with a big established merchant!

But overall due to the very nature of how the merchant conducts business - I would not wish this upon enemies

In fact per further investigation - it's a "fly by night" store - that sells items mostly online - charges unsuspecting clients a high shipping fee and hopes that all will be fine - if a client like us wants to make a return - he will accept it + charge a 25% restocking fee + keep earned money for shipping and makes a profit and apparently as per our witnessing has people that re-box the units and to ship them out to new unsuspecting clients again; when too many complaints roll in - the owner changes the name of the store, establishes a new merchant account with credit cards - and starts fresh all over again...

People disclose this theme and complain here and there - but we are all divided...

Unsuspecting clients that want to save 10% - get caught in this deal.
Never will I shop from a small merchant like that again.

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