"Actually the best single online shopping experience I’ve ever had. Every possible question anticipated and answered completely and transparently. The human and technical factors comprising a website are here superb and should be a model for everyone else. Thanks for doing it right. "
"Easy to navigate and make a decision."
"Easy to review terms and coverage. Good price"
"Comparison feature and selection feature make it easy to zero in on the features that I'm concerned about."
"Easy sign up web site and very good medical travel insurance. Some will not extend coverage if return home is delayed for medical reasons ... Seems very anti intuitive. This policy includes coverage extension as well as some other traveler inconveniences."
"Can tell you more if we need to use the insurance. If not, purchasing it was easy to do."
"user friendly and easy to see with details"
"Very easy to use. except for this ."
"Very user friendly website made it easy to select a policy that covered my needs for a reasonable price"
"none at all to speak of for this transaction"
"Quick and easy hope to request another in August"
"Website was easy to use and well documented"
"Purchase was very fast and problem free. I hope this is the last contact I need to have wirh IMG relative to this trip"
"Very easy to follow,even I could do it."
"Had trouble with recapitalization and confusion with disclaimer at end of application. Good feedback from chat agent."
" A little early to evaluate this insurance."