"Bryan was very nice and helpful. Cindy and her team are doing a great job. Thank you"
"I really love this store and the staff. Cindy and her team are wonderful. So happy your not leaving our little town."
"Cindy and her team are the best. This store is wonderful and I'm happy your not closing."
"love this store. Thank you"
"Cindy and her team are doing a great job. so happy you are staying in our town."
"Chris was very friendly and helpful. Thank you"
"Great store and happy your not leaving."
"Chris is so nice and helpful. I love this store and I am happy it is not closing. Thank you"
"Bryan was very nice. I love this store."
"I cannot count on finding basic items at my store such a basic white tee or button down shirt. Took me forever to locate a pair of plain black dress pants in my size because merchandise is not organized by style."
"Chris is wonderful. Thank you"
"I love all the new home items. So happy your not leaving our town. Chris is wonderful."
"Chris was very nice. Thank you"
"Bryan was very nice. I'm happy your not leaving our town."
"Darleen was very friendly. Cindy and her team are the best and I'm happy they are staying. We love this store"