"I love the products from this seller, the quality is excellent as is the whole delivery process. This is not my first purchase from them and certainly won't be my last"
"Quality of service is second to none. Everything posted on the website is exactly as the item that was received. The pictures are very well taken and you can be certain you know exactly what you're getting. Price is super cheap and selection is enough to make you buy more then one item. The ordering process was excellent and the item arrived very quickly. I've ordered twice from this site and will continue to do so as new items get added to the selection"
"Very satisfying, easy to use and awesome products. Streetmoda is very helpful if an issue should arise, and I will keep using them whenever possible"
"Smooth transaction. No problems at all."
"Apparently, I'm very grateful that my friend introduced your website. StreetModa have a great discount. Keep it up!! Do suprise us with more crazy discounts & promotions.
Improvement :
For StreetModa, who's dealing directly with the customer, or probably the customer service team, I know you have dealt with every kind of people but it's great that if you know who do you dealing with, for example like their name, history of their puchases or any infomation related between the customer & StreetModa. We have take our effort to filled up all necessary information details through your system and it's disapointing if supprisingly that you have misunderstood our problems, which happen to my friend here in Malaysia. For us as international buyer, we are quite sensitive with this, as we inversted our hard earned money with your organisation.
Suggestion :
For me as an international buyer/customer, it would be lovely if I could purchased & paid for 1 or 2 products that interest me but I can let StreetModa keep it until I have reasonable quantity for delivery because I believe that I will have better saving on the shipment cost with multiple purchase. Sometimes, i found only 1 product that I love, but i keep it in the wishlist and when i'm ready to pay with some other products, that particular items are out of stock. So sad.
I don't think StreetModa have anything to lose because i pay first & you still keeping it. "
"street moda is fantastic. They have really great brands that i love at great prices. They have sales regularly which means i buy more. If there is a problem with the order they try their best to help. I shop there regularly because I want the best and they give me the best everytime."