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1 reviews
1.00 / 5

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"BEWARE If you order any items from StyleGiant even if the company send you the wrong shoes or it gets damage during shipment, etc you will pay a restocking fee of 30.00 dollars. The original shipping costs (“S&H”) charge (US$30.00/Item) processed to our shipping agents are non-refundable. You will not get the money back. Even if it is not your fault. There is no representative to talk to so do not bother calling. Another reason is they do not have a phone number. You can only talk to them through email and they do not answer most of your concerns or questions correctly anyways. They try to protect themslves any all types of legal ways so the consumers cannot do nothing about it. So buy at your risk and do not expect to get your total refund. Oh I forgot you also cannot ship to another address even though they give you a form to do so and not tell you. "

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