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Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive

67 reviews
4.63 / 5

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Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"The teachers truly love the kids.They treat kids like their own. My son would love to stay there forever, and always wanted to be the last one to be picked up"

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"great school but too expensive"

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"Overall, it has been good. Just recently, we've experienced some issues but with the director transition, I am hoping that this will have just been a minor speedbump and the wonderful things will be the norm again."

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"Tutor Time of n. Scottsdale has been a blessing for us! My daughter enjoys going to class bC she “loves” her teacher. Ms. Flo, Amanda, Bre have been our saving graces. I would recc everyone to this location"

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"Our overall experience has been positive. The teaches and director always engage both the children and parents."

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"The general experience has been overwhelmingly positive. We are happy as working parents that our child is in a safe and secure environment where he has shown social and academic improvement. His mistakes have been corrected by the teachers in a very friendly and loving way . Every morning he looks forward to going to school and smiles at the thought of going . What more can we ask for !"

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"I really love the TT Scottsdale family. My children are safe and well cared for. My biggest concern is the transition when Janea was fired and there was not a new Assistant Director assigned. Ms. Amanda is incredible and very helpful to everyone, but that has taken her away from her classroom of students who love her and learn from her so well. Ms Monjola is very caring, but seems to be a little overly dramatic and a gossip. I have witnessed Ms. Oksana yelling at and losing her temper with the small children she cares for very often. Ms Punam is kind and always smiling, but does not like my child and has made it known to several other employees, if that it is the case, I feel a change should be made with the assignment. Ms. Emily is excellent and coming into her own, she could be a little firmer with the older kids so they know who is boss. Ms Kara is often in my kids classes because she rotates and I do not feel she is qualified to teach. She really doesn't have a plan or know much about the kids, she seems simple and takes the easiest way out. Ms. Bre is so wonderful, she seems overworked and stressed often, but always listens and addresses issues with families."

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"My son started Tutor Time when he just turned 3, and now he is 4 and half. He really loves it. He wants to stay there forever.I wish I could have enrolled him here since he was a baby."

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"Overall, it has been a good experience and appreciate the ability to only put my child in 3 to 4 days a week."

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"We are very happy, we feel that our child is well cared for an we are pleased with the rate of learning and development"

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"I’d say it started out really great. That school had a family feel when you dropped kids off. Though I had issues the family feel made up for its short comings. Now, it’s not the same. Now it’s very different. So many unrecognized faces and no timeline on when a replacement director will be found just that a lot of school are short and they are on the list. Theirs a huge lack of parent communication. My child’s teacher is pulled from the classroom to fill in and in the end it’s the children who suffer. Today I picked my child up and she was soaked in urine- the teacher said she just had an accident and she was about to change her and asked if I could do it. If it weren’t for Ms. Amanda’s teaching the decision to change schools would’ve been made. Ms. Flo is also a favorite but unfortunately her large classroom size and lack of preparation in prior classroom reflects. She can only do what she can do and she just has too many kids and it’s taken away from the ability to run a classroom."

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"We do not live very close to this school but we are willing to make the drive everyday because the staff have been so wonderful and our child feels so comfortable and happy there! Thank you for taking such great care of my precious baby!"

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"Ms Amanda and Ms. Monjola are wonderful, caring and attentive teachers. Both of my kids love their teachers and we appreciate them beyond words."

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"Great experience. Love the school. The director and assistant director are so wonderful - the teachers have been better than I hoped for. The only thing I would mention is the we pay for 5 days a week - but the director talked with me about not bringing my son in late in the day because of their need to let caregivers go early. I understand they are trying to save money, and when I can, I let them know early. But my schedule changes a lot and often at the last minute. I feel like we should be ok to drop off as late or early as needed during operating hours because be paid for that slot 5 days a week. If they can let someone go home and save money, great. But I don't think the onus of labor planning should fall on the families. I don't want to feel weird about bringing my son in late if my scheduled changed last minute."

Verified Tutor Time - 11350 East Via Linda Drive Shopper


"I could not be happier! Really!!!!"