"I purchase items from this store several times a year. I have never had a problem. Exquisite quality! Shipping usually takes 7-10 days. If something is on backorder, they tell you right away, and give you a chance to cancel your order if you do not wish to wait. I have done over 50 transactions with them this year. "
"DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THIS COMPANY!!!! I purchased a sports comforter for my son in March of 2007. At that time, I was told that the comforter would ship in 5 - 7 business days. On April 20th, I was sent an e-mail stating that the comforter was on back order and would be in June 29th, and would ship within 30 days of that date. I called in June to check on the order, and was told they didn't have any coming in and they could not give me an expected date. When asked why I was told it would be here on June 29th or within 30 days of that date, I was told they don't send such e-mails. I have the e-mail still, stating this particular date. I also told them, each time the item is back ordered, I should be notified. I should not have to continually call them to check on the status of this item. When I called later in the summer, I was told that the item would be in September 17th. On that date, I called and was told the order came in, but did not pass inspection. Again, no notification was sent. I sent an e-mail later this fall checking on the status of my order. The e-mail I received back told me that an order had come in, but essentially, my order was not filled. I waited again, and called today, December 13, 2007. I was told that no order ever came in. I was also told their outlet store would not carry this before them, which I had previously been told different by a customer service manager. Basically, this company is a mess in my opinion. Their customer service stinks! I have had to place numerous phone calls and e-mails. I painted a room and purchased other items based on this particular item. It's not like I can just pick up and choose an entirely different theme for this room. Worst of all, I've had to disappoint a 2 year old for over 8 months now. The new date they gave me today is February 11th, which will officially be 10 1/2 months since the order was placed.
My advice, DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THIS COMPANY!!!! I get a different story or answer each time I call. I have never been able to speak to anyone higher than a customer service manager, and I've done ALL of the work as far as calling and e-mailing. I have also made numerous suggestions that have gone unanswered. My first suggestion was that they remove the item from their catalog and website until they get this issue resolved and orders filled. As of today, it's still listed. I also suggested they quit working with the vendor of this comforter, and take their customers into consideration. Again, nothing. My next step is writing the president of the company. They need to know what is going on, because I'm sure they have no clue. "