"We ordered decals from thedecalcottage.com to be put on a doll cradle I was making for my granddaughter for Christmas. They were ordered well in advance, about 3 weeks, and paid for immediately with PayPal. As I completed the cradle, about a week before Christmas, we realized the decals hadn't arrived yet. My daughter repeatedly sent emails (there is no phone number) with no reply. We were willing to overnight the decals to complete the cradle in time. Unfortunately we never heard back from them. On the 27th I sent a harsh email regarding their incompetence threatening to file a dispute with PayPal and report them to resellerratings.com. I got a reply in one day. The person who sent it, claimed they spent Christmas with their ill daughter. It was sent from her IPhone. She couldn't reply to the several earlier emails we sent???"