"Stay away from this Seller. Returned an item, Seller states I wasn't in their system. With WalMart on the phone, they still insisted I was not in their system. WalMart Rep told Seller that he was looking at the same screen they have, and I was there. No refund. I then produced a tracking slip showing that Seller accepted the return. Still no refund. Stay away. Working directly with WalMart on a refund."
"I purchased a Red Pebble watch from them and upon receiving it, it does not work at all. It will not turn on or doing anything at all, i charged it all day and it still will not do anything. I contacted amazon and they are telling me to order another one. I am not for any reason going to spend more money on something that does not work. If in fact i do wind up having to order another one then i will assure you that i will not buy it from this company or for that matter from Amazon, i will buy it somewhere were i can actually get some customer service. This is ridiculous. I want a watch that actually works without having to spend more money. I am very frustrated and quite frankly mad as hell because i bought a product that is junk. This company needs to fix this problem. Their advertisement says "We are not satisfied until you are!". That is completely and clearly a lie, as I have been trying to get this issue resolved since Monday and have not yet gotten any response at all from this company. They should change their slogan to "We don't care at all about our customers, we just want to sell some junk." I am still awaiting a response about this matter and will not stop sending messages to them until I get a response. "
"The Canon Camera #6626310255 was defectiv when delivered, was returned by USPS and delivered. To date there has been no reply even to phone, email or personal letter.They have the camera and my
$300.00. The return was on Aug.3, 09. I have nothing."