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The Outdoor Store /

1 reviews
1.00 / 5

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"I will never order from this company again. They will tell you that shipping will be free after $100 and then they will place a charge on your credit card without your knowledge or authorization. Their claim is an extra box charge or oversized shippment. This is their way of bleeding more money out of you even though they box the items like anyone else that would ship for free. When you try to rectify the issue, customer service says that they are in business to make a profit even though their website says they are in business to provide the best customer service. They also sell items that they don't have in stock. This is bad business as they have to cancel some items from your order that you were counting on receiving. Customer service is the ultimate in rude service I have ever encountered. I suggest you look at the fine print on their shipping page that they keep hidden and then ask questions before you purchase or you might be at risk for hidden charges after you press submit. I would go elsewhere and shop. Nobody wants to be hit with hidden fees or charges. Their prices may be less but the headaches they give you are more than any company I have ever shopped with"

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