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Tracfone Wireless via Ebay is now owned by Verizon.

"I purchased a new Tracfone phone via Ebay to replace a soon to be obsolete phone (No VoLTE). The phone included "1 Year of Service with 1200 MIN/1200 Text/1200MB". Upon activation it was discovered the "1 Year of Service with 1200 MIN/1200 Text/1200MB" had NOT been activated/attached to the phone. Tracfone Tech Support tried and FAILED to correct this problem (Ticket Number:***-***-****). Their explaination was that "Sales" had failed to activate/attach the plan to the phone and that Sales needed to fix it. I sent four Ebay Messages to Tracfone Wireless (Sales) explaining the problem and provided documentation. The silence is deafening! We've been using Tracfone for years. Problem solving was Not a challenge in the past."



they are despicable liars

"Starting right after Xmass when I was snowed in a week I spent a month trying to get an ACATEL MY FLIP phone from tracfone to work where I live. I need a flip phone to carry wtih me while I work utside in the mud and rain and dropping it all the time. A "smart phone" is utterly useless. I can only get ATT, verizon doesn't work anywhere in the mountains in this state. I was lied to at least 5 times, they kept telling me I needed a GSM phone. I kept getting CDMA phones delivered. Gave up went to local store, (30 mile trip) get the specially labed GSM tracFone, activate it and no signal (terrible phone by the way). Called them many, many times. Even called and had them check it was working on an ATT tower. They LIED. Finally drove somewhere and called and they told me it was working on the verizon tower (weak signal in town too). Told me to go buy a non refundable sim card kit, had the gal at wallmart check compatibility, said was compatible. Go to a friends, use their phone for well over an hour. I had the gal walk me thru inserting the ATT sim card, THEN she says "you cannot changet he sim card, it is CDMA will NEVER work on anything but verizon. This after talking to 4-5 other tracfone people who didn't tell me that what they sold as GSM was a LIE. They told me to get a GSM ALCATEL MY FLIP2. They advertise their phones work on any tower, that is a LIE. The phone was a verizon only phone and absolutely useless to me or anyone in my area and many other areas here in this state. So I have lost about a huge amount of time and about $100.00 now since I had to go back to my old carrier and reinstate my account and pay a bunch of penalty money in order to have a phone in the wilderness so I can deal with all the doctor appts I have coming up prior to surgery.
They lie about their phones, they are NOT all able to work on any tower. This alcatel is verizon only and I wouldn't trust any Alcatel phone to work here.
They refused to refund my money. I filed a chargeback.
They lied over and over again cut me off several times and had to go thru the phone testing to prove it didn't work here to 3 different people, in ONE phone call!
so they LIED to me about the phone working on ATT at least 5 times. That is false advertising and cost me a fortune in time and trouble.


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