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"These scooters are amazing for kids and adults. My kids adore them and my wife and I use them for neighborhood errands. In fact, I shouldn't admit this, but I got asked to not ride it around inside the local grocery store. But the floors are so smooth!"

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"Xootr makes the most efficient urban transport device ever designed. Their kick scooters are light, compact, fast and durable. I've ridden a Xootr on the streets of Manhattan for 1 to 3 miles nearly every day since 2001, probably logging between 4,000 and 6,000 miles in all. I've bought 12 Xootrs in the past 12 years -- four were stolen, one run over by a police car, one run over by a Con Edison utility truck, one purchased as a loaner for visiting friends, and the others bought just because I wanted to try each of the models they sell.

Also, I don't know of any company in any industry that provides an equivalent combination of excellent quality and customer service. Phone calls to the company are answered on the first ring. When I order a new scooter it is delivered the next day. On the rare occasions when I've needed repairs, the scooter has been returned within two days, in perfect condition, with free shipping. And I wish I could get a commission for every recommendation to others. Many of my friends now own Xootrs and not a day goes by when someone doesn't stop me in the street, ask where I got my scooter, and eagerly jots down

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"I love my Venus Xootr. It's a super sturdy, fun, smooth ride. I ordered directly from the website, and everything was exactly as promised."

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"I have been a Xootr rider for almost 15 years and I love it! There is no better way to get around Manhattan. I'm now riding my third. I live in the East Village and I ride it almost everywhere. I hang heavy laundry bags and shopping bags on it. I do all my errands in the downtown area with it. Frankly I'm lost without it. During the recent snows we've been having I was incredibly frustrated not being able to Xoot. It folds in a few seconds and the wheel size makes for a very comfortable and safe ride. Steve at the factory has been exemplary in his treatment of me whenever I've needed assistance. He knows the Xootr inside out and has always been quick to respond to any questions or requests. "

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"Xootr has just been the best! Their main product - The Xootr - has been my son's means of transport in New York City for the past five years. At his school several teachers and kids got one after seeing him on it and trying it out. It is sturdy and very safe with the large wheels and broad low platform. If folds easily. You have to tighten the bolts twice a year and grease the wheels from time to time, but that is wiith everyday use in the city. The spares order easily. With every day use you will need a breakpad and cable every two years and a locking pin for folding every year. The guys at Xootr are really helpful. After four years one of the ball bearings of a wheel had worn out and the replacement came with great instructions and was done in no time. We are Xootr fans, although with my 49 years, 6ft.6 and 250lbs built, I don't ride it, but I could if I wanted to. Did I mention the double break: hand break and rear wheel foot break - really safe!"

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"Pure satisfaction. The company is all about customer service. Will def do biz with xootr again. "

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