"This seller is a thief and a criminal. He sell fake dvds . I bought $600 dollars dvd from him all fake and freezing . fake theif
You sold me some fake burned dvds and since then you have ignored me. First of all you shipped it late I ordered movies over 600 dollars and I received fake freezing dvds from you and now you are are ignoring me. Are you a criminal or fraudulent person. you are a dubious person and you do not deserve to a have a business. Cause you behave almost like an animal without any training.in the history of my Purchasing stuff on line I never met a criminal like you simple stole my money.how can you ignore a customer for 2 weeks without responding their email
You seem not to care for your customers. No where in your website where you decent enough to specify that this movies are copied dvds and they are freezing . this is pure deceit
hello dear, i ordered a bunch of _ movies from you. am a nurse and i sell these movies _ at my work place. i ordered one copy of each cause i have _ very few customers . i purchased it at that price so i could _ sell for at least 4.99 each. i took couple of it to my work _ and they said that they can only afford to _ pay $3.00 for each. i was wondering if you could could sell _ it to me at $2.00 each and refund me the balance of my _ money. or if you want i could return the whole shipment on _ monday for my full refund. i wanted to contact paypal and my _ bank but i do not want to do it before trying to resolve the _ issues with you first"