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Nice Van Initially ???

"NOT ALL Bad but Exhaust was loud from day one but muffler FELL OFF and Braun will not back it up at 26k even if they altered the system. My last Sienna exhaust lasted 12 years 140k miles. The Toyota Dealer would have replaced it IF the system were not altered. Braun does small things that prevent you from using proper floor mats like WeatherTeck. They remove the factory pad under the left foot so factory or after market mats or floor liners will not fit correctly. This alteration is not needed if Driver is not disabled. I have to pay to have my manual ramp checked. Basic fabrication for things like spare tire rack prevent usage of storage compartments. Expensive rear seat options are useless and on the wrong side of the van obstructing your view. If more companies were in this business Braun would lose much of theirs. Their customer service is not there ONCE you bought your vehicle. Back up your work Braun. CUSTOMER SERVICE IS THE BIG PROBLEM"

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