"I was very happy to “graduate” from prints to hand-painted reproductions as soon as I opened my first purchase from Canvas Replicas. The piece was beautifully done, with utmost attention to detail by a great artist. I now have a number of their paintings and I have been very pleased with the quality every time. My most recent replica - a Cezanne - is so good I moved an original art piece so I could put the Cezanne reproduction in a more prominent place in my house. I also want to give a shoutout for their responsive, and patient, customer service when I have had questions about pending orders."
"I DO NOT recommend this company . . .
My initial order consisted of 8 painting. When I received the paintings I was only happy with five out of the eight. Canvasreplicas.com DID NOT send me any proofs for approval; they just ship their replicas to customers without approvals. Customers end up having to PAY MORE to repack and return the replicas, and in my case pay restocking fees.
The response I got from the owner (Bart) was basically, "Since we charge less than our competitors, our customers should expect less from our product."
At the same time that I placed my order with canvasreplicas.com I also placed an order with 1startgallery.com. The Customer Service, communication, policies regarding proofs, are far superior to canvasreplicas.com.
I RECOMMEND getting your replicas from 1stgallery.com or another online vendor. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY ordering from canvasreplicas.com"
"I received the reproduction of the Last Supper and it is lovely. I am in the process of getting it framed and it will hang in our church vestibule. "
"We are very happy with our paintings."
"We ordered the Klimt Maiden and it turned out amazing. We are very happy with the finished product and it completely surpassed our expectations. We'll be sure to order additional paintings in the very near future
"I want to thank Canvas Replicas so much!! They are truly wonderful. Beautiful!!!! I could not have asked for better and look forward to doing business with them again. Thank you so much!!!"
"It’s big mistake for me to pay canvasreplicas.com, they sell junk paintings, very bad, even can’t find address on their website, the guys claims to sell handmade oil paintings by American painters, but what they sell are garbage prints purchased from China for only a few dollars. These are poor quality paintings.Examine the photos closely on the wed site canvasreplicas.com.They are photos of actual reproductions that they sell but yours may not be of the same quality.Even at that,look closely at the site photos as compared to scans of the originals.I think you will find that even at best,when these pictures are rendered at full size the flaws will be evident.In the worst of my order was a painting titled " Apple Tree With Red Fruit". The artist didn't even include the red fruit on the tree, not to mention the other details left out of the painting.It looked like a somewhat talented beginning painter rendered the work. Never pay canvasreplicas.com like me, I paid stupidly."