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", AkA CompTek placed a full-page ad on USA News written like a regular news story, reporting that the TV broadcasters are mandated to provide free signals to the public (this part is true), & for $49 + 17.17, one can purchase an antenna to receive the signals. I asked the operator specifically that since I live in a rural area, greater than 60 miles from the nearest big town, if I can use this "set top antenna" (which was what it looked like in the picture in the paper. She said "most definitely." The item came in the mail 10days to 2 weeks later. First, it was a flimsy piece of plastic with a coaxial wire attached & not a set-top antenna (incidentally, she did not correct me & tell me it is NOT a set top unit,) secondly, I could not receive any signal from any TV station at all. I returned the item the same day I received it & is waiting for a refund. If you google located in N. Canton, OH & you'll see other people fell for this scam too. Lesson learned. "

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