"Took them 3 weeks to just exchange out my helmet. They did have to order it in because they didn't have the correct size in store, but they said take 2 or 3 days. A week later I call still not there. Got the same run around 2 or 3 days. Called 2 or 3 days later still not there. Waited another week for it called back, and the guy I was dealing with had quit. So I had to start all over with someone else. I wasn't happy but that had it in a week later at least I finally got it taken care of."
"Great team!! Very good people. Always ready to help you out anything you need. Outstanding and well knowledge!!
A rep from Cycle Gear, Oklahoma City, , has responded:
“We appreciate your feedback. Our new Special Order Kiosks will update you on the status of a new order or exchange as there are updates in tracking. This will keep you well updated. Ride Safe. ”