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Do not buy from this pharmacy!

"This pharmacy took my money but never shipped the meds.
They also don't respond to any emails I have sent them. I have sent invoice numbers, screenshots of the purchases etc. No response.

Pricing of products and services
Overall customer service



Legit pharmacy with bad security

" is a Mexican over-the-counter pharmacy that ships internationally. As best I can tell, they're legitimate, not like the off-shore pharmacies that sell counterfeit drugs.

But after my second order with them, they leaked my name, address, and e-mail address to spammers who now routinely spam me with fraudulent refill offers. So that puts mexmeds4you in the same company as Dropbox, LinkedIn, and MySpace - sites that have all had security breaches that leaked customer info to spammers. I knocked two stars off for that. But Mexmeds4you has the product I need at a really good price, so I'll probably continue to buy from them. I'm choosing convenience over privacy. How sad it is that I have to make that choice.

This pharmacy sells name brand and generic drugs, all packaged for the Mexican market and labeled in Spanish language. Mexican drug laws differ from American laws, allowing many drugs that require a prescription in the U.S. to be sold over the counter in Mexico. If any of the drugs you need happen to be available over the counter in Mexico, you can potentially save a lot of money buying drugs from Mexico.

It's against the law to import prescription drugs into the U.S., or to obtain prescription drugs without a prescription. But U.S. Customs and the FDA as a matter of policy will typically not exercise enforcement of the law for importation of low-risk drugs for personal use, generally up to up to a 3-month supply. (As of 2014. Check the U.S. Customs and FDA web sites for up-to-date information) Still, it's a good idea to to have consulted a doctor before using any prescription drug, because many drugs have potentially serious side effects.

The payment processing web site was entirely in Spanish language in late 2012 when I made my first purchase, and entirely in English when I made my second purchase in late 2014. But even not knowing any Spanish you'll have little trouble navigating. For my first order my credit card was charged in Mexican pesos by a merchant account based in Mexico. My second order was charged in U.S. dollars. When making purchases from foreign stores, you should be prepared to try multiple credit cards or to contact your credit card company, because banks often block international purchases as suspected fraud.

Both of my purchases at went smoothly, aside from my first payment attempt being refused by my credit card company. When I had a question about my order, the pharmacy answered the phone in Spanish but also spoke adequate English. My orders were for a medicated shampoo. Both orders arrived by Registered Mail from Mexico in about three weeks. You should order early to allow plenty of time for international mail, which can be very slow sometimes. Once shipped I was provided a tracking number that was active on the Mexican post office's tracking web site for the Mexican part of its journey, and active on the USPS tracking site from the moment it left Mexico City two weeks after ordering.

This online store has been a great convenience for me and has saved me a lot of money, but I'm really disheartened by their lack of security. You'll have to decide what your privacy is worth to you.

Edit: added info about my second order and my personal info being leaked.

Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges