"Nikon-Battery-Charger.co.uk offers top quality nikon digital camera battery charger for Nikon EH-21, Nikon MH-52, Nikon MH-53, Nikon MH-53C, Nikon MH-60, Nikon MH-18, Nikon MH-18A, Nikon MH-19, Nikon MH-21, Nikon MH-61, Nikon MH-56, Nikon MH-56AS, Nikon MH-62, Nikon MH-23, Nikon MH-63, Nikon MH-64, Nikon MH-65 and so on. We also specialize in nikon digital camera battery, which includes en-el3e , en-el8 , coolpix en-el12 , coolpix s203 battery. All nikon batteries and chargers listed in our website have a full one-year warranty and a 20% discount!