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2 reviews
1.88 / 5

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"I ordered from Runescape Go GO. 01-04-2012, Paypal and my bank both confurmed the payment to On 02-02-2012 I get this email from Runescape Go GO
"This is Rose from RunescapeGoGo contacting you on concern that you have not received the 6million+1.20 gold that you ordered on our site on 2012-01-04 at 20:07:32 Via Paypal.
Unfortunately we have lost the details of what transactions have been completed from the start of the new year, could you please get in contact with this email as soon as possible to make sure if you recived the gold or not, we are also willing to put an extra 2million onto your account in compensation as we do not want to loose valuable customers. To make the transaction complete quicker all we need from you are the Runescape account details to this email and we will transfer the gold at the quickest time available for you."

Wow an extra gold for my troubles sounds 2 good to be true. Well it was. Not only did they ask for my account info username and password but they will not refund my money.

By this point I was like to hell with it and made a new account and gave them the account info. Even made a new email account so they could log into the account and not steal my real email.

I bet you can guess what happen next. They not only stole my runescape account (no my level 3 pure) but they try to hack that email accounts. they are some scum over at Runescape Go Go.

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"order and call their online support
it is easy haha

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