"Almot flawless experience... I researched the camera that I wanted and checked various sites for price and shipping. I found this seller to be the lowest in price with a fair, although not great, shipping rate of $15. The rating of 5 stars through CNET or wherever, told me that this was a reputable dealer with a good price. I felt confident that I made a good choice.
It wasn't until AFTER I made the purchase, and was told that it would ship the next day, that I was sent this website by a family member. I read all of the negative reviews!!! He said that the reviews on the other sites are fake, not really from buyers. Needless to say, the reviews on this site, along with the terribly low ratings made me VERY nervous. I then began to wonder what the odds were that I would receive the merchandise. I quickly prepared myself for some kind of aggravation to go along with the order.
After reading these reviews, I did email the seller requesting an order number just in case I had to refer to my order before it came... or if I was charged for it and it didn't come. I emailed them not once, but THREE times, never once receiving an email response from them.
Then I called. I did not wait on hold for more than a few minutes. I was told that my camera was sent out as promised, and I was then provided with a FEDEX tracking number.
I received the camera. Not only was it in perfect condition, brandy-new with all necessary items and USA warranty, it got to me in TWO DAYS.
The bottom line... decent customer service (they HAVE TO try to sell accessories to make a profit, but there was no HARD SELL on accessories. A "no thank you" works well. )
In addition, because I was worried, at first the lack of email response bothered me a lot. But when I called and got the info, then received the camera so quickly, I have nothing at all bad to say about them. I would have liked better email communication, but that isn't enough to give them a low rating!
Everything went smoothly; no problems, no snags, merchandise as expected... and I did a whole lot of worrying for nothing.
Hopefully, they will get smart and fine tune their email responses. The only important thing is that I received the merchandise quickly.
The wierd thing is that when I went to look at my invoice for the number to fill in this review, the invoice reads BUTTERFLY PHOTO, instead of Digitale. I guess they have a few websites under different names??"
Detailed Ratings
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of ordering online
Ease of checking order status
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products damage free
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products on-time
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent