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Compare SonicElectronix vs Crutchfield

Compare prices, policies, and customer reviews of SonicElectronix and Crutchfield

Overall Satisfaction

The overall satisfaction based on ResellerRatings algorithm that factors in recency of reviews. (Learn More).

2,049 reviews
4.88 / 5

2,577 reviews
4.53 / 5

Activity Rate

How recently the merchant has reached out to customers.

SonicElectronix: not active
Crutchfield: not active

Resolves Issues

Customers can change a negative review to positive after a helpful interaction with these merchants.

SonicElectronix: no
Crutchfield: yes

Helpful Positive Reviews

Positive reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users




Only place I go!

"Shipping, returns, prices, service,,,, all 100%! I've been using them for over 10 years, never had an issue! They've discounted items that I was honestly shocked they did- and returns always were just a click and done- I don't even compare prices online anymore, I just go straight to Sonic.. "




Happy Customer

"No complaint about Crutchfield. I have never had a bad experience with any of my car audio purchases and that goes back over 30 years. "

Helpful Critical Reviews

Critical reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users




AI Hack

"An item I purchased long ago at Amazon popped up in a Crutchfield advertising email. Then I received an advertisement for nerds on my phone. Where did they get my phone number? This will be the first and last item I purchase from Crutchfield."


See how each seller ranks within their respective category. Category rank is computed by comparing the aggregate rating of each merchant with more than 150 reviews.

SonicElectronix is ranked #11 out of 22 in finance

Crutchfield is ranked #56 out of 344 in computers & electronics