"I attempted to purchase a couple of items from this seller through the eBay seller ID of au.electronics and after waiting more than 60 days still have not received any product or any refund. I am now fighting through the PayPal and my credit card to get a refund.
After the estimated delivery time from Hong Kong of 3-4 weeks, I contacted the seller to tell them that I had not received the items that I ordered. They apologized and indicated that they would reship the items and reconfirmed my shipping address. After waiting for the 3-4 week shipping estimate a second time, and still not receiving the package I attempted to contact the seller to get a resolution. I have not heard a word from the seller in the last 3 weeks. Apparently once you get past the 45 day resolution period, they know there's nothing I can do about it, so they just ignore me and keep my money and the items I paid for.
Dragonext and au.electronics are FRAUDULENT and may not ship you the items you've paid for. And good luck getting any customer service from Hong Kong."