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Verified Everbrook Academy - 26195 Beck Rd Shopper


"There are several teachers that are excellent - Natalie, Ashley, Shelby, Jessica, Savannah, Rashmi, Jaylyn, Audrey, Nicole, etc. so I want to make sure that they receive accolades for their exceptional care for our children. However, in other areas there could be much improvement to be made. First of all, tablets should be removed from the classrooms for the kids to use. Teachers are using them as a way to just have the kids sit there and stare at a tablet for hours on end instead of actually teaching or engaging. The ratio needs to be increased for early preschool - the children are still too young after twos for that and especially if they are starting potty training they need more hands on help. Bottom line is it's clear that Everbrook is a business first and a child CARE center second."

Rep reply posted 2019-06-21
A rep from Everbrook Academy - 26195, LearningCareGroupCL, has responded:

“Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We appreciate your feedback, and are sorry to hear you had a bad experience with our school. We take customer reviews seriously, and would like the opportunity to talk to you in more detail. Please give us a call at 877-817-3883.”

Verified Everbrook Academy - 26195 Beck Rd Shopper


"The communication to the parents is lacking. There are many times I find out about a special day (pj day) or other events going on. Also, I drop off my child in a different classroom than her normal room, which is fine, but there are many times I do not recognize the teacher in the classroom. They have never introduced themselves to me and one didn’t even know my child’s name (she has been at this school for almost a year)"

Verified Everbrook Academy - 26195 Beck Rd Shopper


"Everbrook has been a great experience for us. We enrolled our daughter when she was 11 weeks old and I was pretty anxious about it, but the infant teacher was so warm and loving. We have been with the school for over a year and I'm so sad to be moving away without an Everbrook in our new location. I love the WatchMeGrow app that allows me to check in on her during my breaks at work, and the BrightWheel app where they take better pictures of her than I do myself at home!"

Verified Everbrook Academy - 26195 Beck Rd Shopper


"The school is great but the teachers keep constantly changing and hence the academic goal is never achieved"

Verified Everbrook Academy - 26195 Beck Rd Shopper


"We love the online app for communication but wish it was used more with more details. Also love the online camera system to view our child in his classroom."

Verified Everbrook Academy - 26195 Beck Rd Shopper


"We are very happy with our experience so far. We were at another center prior to Everbrook opening and when I look back at my son’s experience there it is a huge world of difference. Teachers are great and my kids enjoy it."