"They are good people indeed ! "
"The deals on this site are really massive !!!! "
"they have a really nice store here ~ "
"i found on flashdeals some really nice items , They are trustfull"
"i had some trouble with some items , they replaced them in just 2 days ! "
"They are my favorite store!!!!"
"They are a really ok shop ! "
"i worked with them in the past , they are nice people "
"i got a really nice toy for my Cat here :D thanks flashsales !"
"i got a Xtreme HD Dash Cam last week for just 40 $ , and i must say , is really great for the price"
"i got some really nice items from my dog , They were high quality ! "
"this is what i love them most about them , is that they have a really large stock and diffrent items "
"i shopped with them for a long time now , and got some nice , i mean i really nice items from them , Thanks flashdeals"
"i know them for some time , they are a nice store!!! "
"i use them for a while now , no complaints so far ! "