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Hip Monkey

41 reviews
2.01 / 5

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"I found the best priced Britax carseat for my son on I ordered it in December and soon thereafter was told that the seat was on back order from the manufacturer. When I followed up via email I received an email from hipmonkey notifying me of an approximate delivery date. A few emails were exchanged when I realized that this was true, personal customer service. I was VERY pleased with the service, knowing full well that the back order was not in their control. I received the seat, it has been installed and all is good. More people should use this site as it saves money and it is a helpful cause! You don't find customer service like this anymore!!
Helen B

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"Hip-monkey beat my favorite store Amazon on price.
When I placed the order for a Britax car seat I got an email the next day saying that they were out of stock and it would take 2 weeks. I was upset a bit but then I got the car seat in 2 weeks as promised. My kid or I did not mind waiting for 2 weeks as they are running the store for a good cause.
I would definitely shop again and am giving 5 stars.

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"Hip Monkey is the best!! Excellent customer service, wonderful CEO, and great cause!!! I received replies to my emails within the hour, and my car seat arrived within 4 days of my placing an order. Terrific!!
One can feel really good ordering from Hip Monkey as 100% of net proceeds go to their linked Foundation which helps save childrens' lives though advocacy, awareness and car seat donations. CAR ACCIDENTS are the NUMBER ONE KILLER of children, statistically. Hip Monkey's linked Foundation provides free, invaluable, thorough information on car seats and toddler passenger safety -- NO other on-line store can compare to that. Furthermore, Hip Monkey's Foundation provides expensive car seats for FREE to families in need -- NO other store comes close to that either!! CEO, Christine Miller, cares deeply about this cause, and juggles being a mother of 4, and still gives 100% of herself to the Foundation and to her store, Hip Monkey. I would definitely shop at Hip Monkey again, and recommend them highly for their carefully-researched, quality products and for their cause!!!
- The Perisa family, New York City

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"I do not usually write reviews but reading the reviews below, I had to share the recent positive experiences I have had with this seller, and I would also like to emphasize that in addition to this being a great online store with extremely prompt and courteous customer service, the mission of the foundation it funds is admirable and worthy of support. I have made two recent purchases from this seller. I ordered a car seat on 1/4/10 at a very significant discount and I immediately received an email informing me that the car seat was in fact back-ordered for several weeks due to an overdue shipment from the manufacturer (Britax). On 1/19/10 I emailed customer service to check on the status of my order and received an immediate response from the CEO apologizing for the delay and informing me that the Britax shipment had arrived and that my car seat would be shipping the following day. My car seat did in fact ship the next day as promised (free of charge) and I received it in perfect condition on 1/23. I was so impressed with the organization and pleased with the product that I ordered a second car seat (also at a significant discount and with free shipping) on 1/23/10 and received notification that it had shipped the very next day. According to the tracking info, it will be here tomorrow (1/28). It would be a shame for what sounds like was an isolated issue with one manufacturer to undercut such a responsive merchant with such excellent products and prices!"

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"I have asked for tons of information from Hip Monkey over the years. My one regret is that I did not order more from them. Their customer service folks and Christine (CEO) exchanged a multitude of emails and phone calls before I finally made a purchase. Their goal is to get kids in a safe car seat that fits them and the vehicle right.

It saddens me to see some of the reviews come in so low because an item was on back order. I first emailed my order the end of December 2009. I emailed once in a while to check status and got a prompt reply. I do a lot of customer service with my job and am saddened to see Hip Monkey take that big of a hit for something out of their control. I can understand a ok review with the written info. about the item being back ordered.

Anyhow, thank you to Christine and your customer service for all of the help you have given me and for following up on my requests to see if you got more info. from the mfg.

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"Great experience! Had some issues at first (ordered the wrong item on accident) but they resolved it quickly - great communication. "

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"Ordered 2 Britax seats on 12/11. Immediately received notification of 2-week backorder, which was fine as I didn't need the sats right away. Four weeks later, I emailed to check status as I had not received any ship confirmation or communication otherwise, and again received immediate response that the seats should be shipping in a week or so. Received a ship notice exactly a week later. Tracking numbers were invalid, so I emailed to get an update - due to mixup, I escalated to CEO and received same-day response. Received the seats 4 days after ship notice. Great condition, no problems. Saved 20% with coupon code, so it was worth the wait! Would order again. Especially likes that car seat profits go to foundation for underprivileged families to get 5-pt harness boosters!"

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"The CSR messed up the order and Christine Miller, the CEO of the company personally got involved in and investigated the issue right away. She also offered me a big compensation at the end. Obviously, the company indeed cares about customer satisfaction."

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"Here is my experience with I ordered a car seat that was apparently out of stock (even though it didn't say it was out of stock when I bought it). They e-mailed me a few days after my order and said they were getting more seats in 2 weeks and would promptly ship mine out and e-mail me with a tracking number.

It has now been 2 and a half weeks, and I still have no car seat. I have also gotten no e-mail back as to when and if they have received any new seats.Had I known they were out of stock of this seat, I would have spent 20 bucks more and bought it on Amazon! At least I would have a new car seat now, which my son needs (he is almost too big for the one he has now).

Unfortunately, their customer service has not done squat for me (except a half assed apology) for this inconvenience, and I will never be doing any more business with them again.

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"I recently bought a carseat through hipmonkey. I initially had some difficulty with the shipping company that they used however the company fixed the problem and I have been very pleased with their response."

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"Great Experience!! Ordered a car seat from their Amazon store because the price was cheaper than their own website and they replied to emails immediately. Their phone numbers always led to an answering machine but I never left any messages because their email response was very quick.

Item shipped faster than expected and was delivered fast too.

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Overall customer service
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