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Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"The teachers don't sit with the kids to ensure that they try the different foods. Most days my child only has snacks at school and he comes home famished"

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"Any concern I’ve brought has been met with deflection. They are not working with me."

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"It's been a wonderful experience. I'm going to miss La Petite when my children move on to Kindergarten in the Fall."

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"I love the teachers here. Them plus the location make the high price bearable. The constant increases are getting a bit ridiculous though and we may have to re evaluate this soon. I think my oldest is thriving here and my youngest loves his teachers."

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"My son had been home since a baby due to COVID . We sent him to school because we noted some speech delays and thought it would be best for him to be around other kids and in a better learning environment outside of home . He has been there now for 2 1/2 months and we have seen alot of improvements in the short period of time . He is able to sit longer and participate in activities longer . I see him advancing in many different ways daily . I love being able to speak with the teachers through the app and watch how he’s doing during the day . The teachers respond quickly if I have any questions . I am grateful for them working with my son daily , and I am looking forward to seeing him advance further daily ."

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"Overall, i feel the school is great! I like the interaction with admin staff and teachers. Everyone is professional and kind. My child is excited about going to school. I can see that he's learning more in this short amount of time."

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"We love how warm and caring Ms Daphne is. She knows all the students by name! I was so happy when she pointed out that my son's birthday was coming up. It's the little things that go a long way and make the difference for our family."

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"My general experience has been very good. I do wish the teacher would give more specific updates, like how much of his meals did he eat and how did he do with activities. This would be great since we cannot enter the school and speak directly to his teacher when we pick him up."

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"The school has some amazing teachers and others that are not nurturing at all. As a result, the experience is a hit or miss. The director and assistant director shy away from communicating with parents and many times put things back in the teacher that should be handled by administration. The toddler (18 months) classroom is very challenging because the lead teachers are neither nurturing or good communicators. However, the teacher (no longer there) in the two’s classroom was more understanding of developmental behaviors and more observant of students. I also wish students got more playtime outside. For their age, they didn’t have enough movement breaks or outside time and many times expected students to sit for 15+ minutes Keep in mind these are 18 month- 3 yo."

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"This school is poorly ran. The staff and are constantly stressed out and do not put a genuine effort into the child's learning. When you voice those concerns, you are met with defense instead of accountability. They don't use the resources that you are paying for to make for a smooth experience. Overall, this experience was extremely sour and I don't think I will ever consider a La Petite Academy again."

Rep reply posted 2021-11-08
A rep from La Petite Academy - 5004 , LearningCareGroupCL, has responded:

“We are so sorry to hear about the experience you had at one of our locations. Can you please contact our Customer Support Team at 800-527-3848 so we can work to resolve your issue?

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"I am disappointed the teachers have punished my toddler and made him cry on multiple occasions because he was not listening. At home we work to engage him so he will listen. I feel the teachers are more concerned with making sure each child does every activity and in maintaining control in the classroom."

Rep reply posted 2021-08-13
A rep from La Petite Academy - 5004 , LearningCareGroupCL, has responded:

“We’d like to apologize for your negative experience at our school. We’d like to learn more about your specific situation - please call us at 800-527-3848. We look forward to hearing from you.

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"My 19 month old loves school and his teachers. In addition he surprises everyday with his display of what he has learnt from school. Extremely happy with the school"

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"Pricey but good on the overall scale. Paying half rate for vacation weeks that a child is absent is steep"

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"Our decision to enroll our then 17 months old baby in this program was really based on the interaction we had with the director. First impression did it for us! Seeing her interaction with the other children, and more importantly how the children responded to her, assured us that this is a family oriented center. We were comfortable leaving our child since not only could we see him at any time of the day using the app, but the concern and affection shown to the other children showed us that our son would be in good hands!"

Verified La Petite Academy - 5004 Enterprise Rd Shopper


"The school has been great. I love the curriculum, learning activities, videos, and the ability to see my children on video at anytime."