"The school is a learning institute, highly accredited, and cares about the safety and education of the children."
"The staffing needs help. The turnover rate is too high and the quality of teachers being chosen to work there is low."
"My daughter loves going to school and knows all of the teachers by name and is excited to tell them what she is doing after school and on weekends. She has also made some great friends and has been exposed to a ton of different people and cultures. The education is great, seeing her start to learn from day 1 has been phenomenal."
"The school is awesome. I pray the corporation will pay the teachers a little more. The teachers go above and beyond for the kids. The Director is awesome."
"The staff is very accommodating, genuine and caring. They will work with your child to get them through any situation."
"We have been attending this facility since our child was 3 months old. She's, overall, had great learning environments, with some hiccups along the way with the staff. It's great for the young kids but the staff are not paid their due attention nor appreciation and the good ones get burnt out. Recently the school age teachers have not been the best choices and cannot handle the loudness from the kids. Kids still need development at that age and I'm disappointed the same care is not given. Also, there is no reason why we should pay 1/2 the fee when away for summer vacations. I told the center months in advance so they could use our slot. Other camps do not charge when you are away. Families are getting penalized for taking vacations. My impression over the 7+ years has been miscommunication and inconsistency regarding fees/tuition. I have seen where one family pays a different price than another. We believe importance is placed on financial advances instead of children's education. This leads to a trust issue, unfortunately."
"Great school overall, however very pricey."
"Love upper management, however, have deep rooted issues with the teachers."
“Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We expect our employees to uphold certain standards of personal and professional conduct. We would love to talk to you in more detail. Please give us a call at 800-527-3848.”
"Very positive experience. Provides a nurturing and caring atmosphere. Very pleased."
"Overall great experience with school"
"Overall the experience has been great for my child. As a parent the lack of professionalism, three concerns with my child’s safety and the rude reaction toward me after I completed a survey and did not remain anonymous has me halfway out of the door. The curriculum is great there are a few gems as far as teachers goes"
"Overall my experience here has been great. There are just a few hiccups that have occurred that have been outrageous and intolerable as the issues I have had, have been with staff members. I think some training/education with staff members on how to engage with parents in a professional, respectful and courteous way should be implanted and/or reinforced."
"Pretty good thus far however the cost of the early care are starting to come dangerously close to private school tuition in which I will have a choice of educational activities for my child."
"i am very happy with la petite in bowie, md. my child is now 3, she has been there since one year old. it feels like a community among the parents and students. last year the parents came together to host a big halloween festival. my daughter shows advanced skills in numbers and letters well before kindergarten. Thanks La Petit!"
"Overall my experience has been good if I had not experienced such unprofessional conduct/encounters by staff and no lost or damaged property my experience would be great"
A rep from La Petite Academy - 5004 , LearningCareGroupCL, has responded:
“We are so sorry to hear this. If you’d like to discuss your experience further, please call us at 800-527-3848. We look forward to hearing from you.”