"I love the helmet I received, except that the size is not correct. It should fit someone with a head size up to 22". Mine is somewhere between 21 7/8" to 22", and this XS/S Bell helmet is too small, giving me a headache if I wear it longer than 5 minutes. I'm hoping that Leatherup will exchange it for a medium, which I hope won't be too big, as it starts at 22 1/2", but it appears this helmet is running on the small size."
"Never a bad date with Leather up always as advertised.
My fourth purchase and per normal all is well.
Good work people!"
"Quality product at a good price."
"Ordered my helmet late on a Friday and received by Wednesday of the next week. The fit is as expected. The picture on the website is exactly what I received. We have ordered a few things from Leatherup and will continue to do so!!! Have never had to return anything so I cant speak of how that would be handled. "
" Faster than expected delivery!! Returned a jacket for refund and my account was credited within 1 day of them receiving the jacket back. Quality of the jacket was amazing for the price , I just needed a larger jacket!!! All in all every time I need something leather this will be my go to site !!!"
"Good quality and fast shipping that's all u can ask for"
"GREAT!!! Would recommend buying "
"I called up placed my order was told items were available order was read back to me it was correct was told when items would arrive and that's when they did"
"I ordered jacket and a few other items. I am very pleased with everything I ordered. The speed of shipping amazed me I ordered on Tuesday and recieved received on Thursday. Will definitely order again through leatherup!"
"Customer service was great! I was able to place my order without any issues. I was promptly notified of delivery issues and the item was delivered as stated.
I am VERY disappointed in the product. It states that it is DOT certified, however, when I checked inside, under the liner, there is NO "official" DOT sticker/logo. Therefore, I am returning this item for a FULL REFUND."
"Timely processing, Great product Quality! Excellent customer service, they get back to you quickly. I have ordered a leather jacket, armored bike jacket, rain suit and more and all of it has been of excellent quality at a good price."
"Products were in stock, shipping was fast, and products were of excellent quality. I would buy again from Leatherup.com"
"Exactly what I was anticipating!"
"Got my riding boots on time, as expected. They were the right size. And they actually fit. (I was concerned about buying boots online without being able to try them on.). Can't complain about the vendor, but *outside* boot zippers are hard to work!"
"Everything as advertised, great products "