"Joining Liberty Healthshare has been the absolute worst financial decision of my life. We have been sent to collections 3 times, and threatened many more times. Since Liberty is not a health insurance company, and therefore do not sign price agreements, when being sent to collections by these providers they send you for the maximum billable amount, an amount that no insurance company or cash paying customer actually pays. One example is a CT scan that I am currently being threatened over, which the provider is demanding that I pay over $8000 for. Liberty healthshare hasn't done a thing. They haven't even sent an explanation of services telling this company that they plan to pay and how much they plan to pay. This is outrageous.
My view on this company is that they are essential bankrupt. They don't have money to pay the bills. Despite this, they continue to act as though everything is fine, and members keep getting more and more bills. Eventually the house of cards will collapse and people will be stuck. I hope that I get reimbursed before that happens. "
"I have been with Liberty Healthshare going on my second year. I love this company! I was a little skeptical at first about joining after reading some of the reviews, but it has been an amazing experience. First of all, the monthly premiums are unbelievably affordable - my family is saving so much money just with our premiums. Then, after I meet my deductible, there is no problem whatsoever with Liberty paying my medical bills. And, I can go to any doctor I want. It can take up to 90 days for Liberty to pay bills once they are submitted/approved, but my doctors have had no problem waiting. Once my bills are approved for payment, I immediately call my doctor to let him/her no the bill was approved and payment will be made within 90 days. I've never had a problem with my doctor's waiting for the payment. Love this company and how much I am saving!!"
"Never ending run around, incompetence, shadiness and hassles. Waiting over a year for reimbursements for something as simple as flu shots. Constant false assurances that things are being done or "expedited." Never ending calls after being told that something will be taken care of ages ago. No information as to when or why something is taking place, just front office phone reps that repeatedly tell you what they think you want to hear, then nothing is ever done. Even had customer service question my medical doctor's decision, then tell me that I shouldn't bother with flu shots. It blows my mind that they have such low quality control that they would set themselves up for litigation. And to those who give Liberty praise due to low cost: What does it matter how inexpensive they are if they don't cover what they agreed to? This was a huge waste of money for two years. We would have been far better off without any coverage at all. "
"This company is a criminal racket. They take your money each month and if you have a claim it is virtually impossible to get them to pay. I have a couple of claims that are clearly covered under their policy. I have been trying for a year to get them to pay. All you can speak with are powerless teenagers who keep apologizing and telling you to wait longer. When the hospital send you to collections I guess most people just give up and pay. I am refusing to pay out of principle. It's been nearly a year. Bottom line if you sign up with these guys, plan on paying all of your medical bills after the hospital sends you to collections. You will likely need to have legal help if you want them to pay claims they purport to cover.
Their should be a government mechanism for closing down criminal businesses like this. How can I give them 0 stars?"
"I have been with them for over 2 years and had never been able to figure out their process for anything. Lucky we have not been very ill so our bills have been manageable. But if I was someone that really needed them to help me I would be better off begging on the street corner for help. Their customer service is terrible. When I finally get to talk to anyone they have an attitude with me. I find out that the CEO has decided not to pay bills for 180 days minimum. REALLY? So most of my bills have gone to collections and Liberty tells me that I need to call and tell them that. I Hate to say Jesus! But Jesus needs to get in this company and straighten it up. Money is going somewhere but not to my bills."
"To be short, I have a very FRUSTRATING and STRESSFUL EXPERIENCE with Liberty Health Share (LSH) and here is why:
I'm a member of Liberty Healthshare plan for more than 2 years now. My actual experience has started about 5 months ago when I had first Doctor's visits since my membership started.
I had an EGD procedure in mid-August 2019 and after this procedure, I was charged by several providers with a total of about $12,000.
Obviously this amount is overcharged, but the problem is that LSH takes too long to negotiate the cost with the provides, so the providers are pushing me to pay them a full amount. The provides didn't receive the checks from LSH and sending me bills saying that these bills will be sent to collections.
I called LSH asking when the bills will be paid and got the answer that the bills are typically got paid within 6 months!!! The thing is that after 6 months if you're not going to pay the bills out of your pocket, the collection agency will be staying on top of you and you're going to ruin your credit history.
And I have to spend hours and hours on the phone with LSH and Doctor's offices trying to get an update of the payments and trying to talk the Billing department reps to postpone my payments.
"I have been with Liberty Healthshare for two years, this last one (2019) being the worst. My story mirrors many others here, of multiple calls, begging for help over the phone and endless reassurances that our claims would be expedited .... then nothing. Today I cancelled my membership. I can no longer afford to make credit card payments to collection agencies, the monthly premium to Liberty, plus pay out of pocket for any new health visits. This has destroyed my credit and my health has suffered with the continual worry over unmet bills and dishonest reassurances.
Liberty...Just two weeks ago, you sent another apology email, asking for me to itemize unpaid bills from May last year (as if you don't know these already) but I dutifully filled in your request on the new promise of being contacted within 72 hours.... Another falsehood. I have never heard back.
I pray over all these heart-wrenching reviews from real people in dire straights, with overwhelming health bills, while Liberty Healthshare continue to put a sunny face on a growing human catastrophe. I have no answers. I pray for a solution for each one of us here. No one wants to come online to spell out such personal issues and struggles...I know what it took for each of you to come here. God bless and keep you.
Liberty, please do not insult me further with your dishonest cut and paste response to contact me.
"Our membership with Liberty Healthshare has been extremely frustrating. No matter how many times we talk with their customer service representatives (hour after countless hour week after week), along with their bill negotiating team MCS, it seems nothing ever gets done. After seeking to be patient and understanding for a long time, we have come to the unfortunate conclusion that we can't really trust what this company says. We have had to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket on top of our annual unshared amount due to mistakes made by their office. We hope we'll one day be reimbursed for this, but don't know if we will. We are on the verge of going to collections for bills from the birth of our daughter 5 1/2 months ago that have still not been taken care of, and we nobody we speak with has been able to do anything to speed up the process. We have habitually had to wait for 6-10 months for any reimbursements to ever show up and worry about them not showing up at all. We unfortunately are now looking elsewhere for a better healthcare option that we can trust."
"I enrolled with Liberty HealthShare because their premium was much lower than anything else I could find. I have done everything that they asked including paying all of my premiums on time. LHS has paid only one small claim and have given me the run around with excuses like they have fired their CEO and they are 208 days behind paying claims. This is a company that needs to be on American Greed as these so called Christians are really Criminals.
Do not waste your money on their promises as they are just a Ponzi Scheme in action"
"I have paid my monthly health insurance premium and have waited MONTHS to be reimbursed. MONTHS!! My reimbursement requests have been approved, but I'm still waiting for reimbursement. Yesterday I was told the turnaround time for reimbursement is 180 days! The customer service reps cannot help. They have zero answers. She told me the 180 day turnaround time was better than it was past...which was "whenever they were able to pay them". WHAT??? You cannot email or speak to anyone other than the customer service rep. After doing some additional research online yesterday, I was shocked to see how many people are having the same issue I am. The companies attempt to claim the delay in reimbursement is all "user error by the customer" is just to cover their tracks. The medical bills I have submitted have been approved for payment. After months of approved reimbursement requests, I am still waiting on a check. How can a company do this? I believe this company is a total PONZI SCHEME. I have filed a formal complaint with the BBB (go check out their rating before you sign anything with LHS). I also filed a formal complaint with the Ohio Attorney General. I will check the internet daily praying someone starts a class action lawsuit against this FRAUD of a company. Shameful that a company as deceitful as this portrays itself as a Christian based company. As a Christian myself, this facade is deplorable."
"I’m still trying to collect Oct 2018 reimbursements from LHS. I lost a job opportunity at a hospital due to my Acct being in collections for an amount LHS said they were paying - that was paid 1 year late. I called last month with a lawyer on the line with me to demand my next $500. They say they are paying them nothing is sent. Bill from 10/18.
I’m so stressed. I am a high functioning professional - what must it be like for someone who is sick or recovering to have to deal with this. This is not a Christian stance. It is wolves in sheep clothing. I’m so fearful that our last minute 2019 emergency won’t be paid after the deductible and the whole nightmare will start again. "
"Horrible. I am stranded in Israel having been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and depending on them to pay the hospital so I can be treated and the hospital has lost patience with their unfulfilled promises and my life hangs in the balance."
"Waiting for payment after getting pre-approved for major surgery. Making payments to Cleveland Clinic on $25k medical bills. Liberty said to get all these reports from CLE. CLE has sent me every type of report known to mankind. And I get placed on hold and just get a run around. "
"I am concerned this company is based on a PONZI SCHEME. They seem to have no issue with paying your small healthcare bills. I however had major surgery in 2/2019 which they had pre-approved and they still haven't paid their outstanding portion. This is despite tons of correspondence with the company. Now we have received a debt recovery notice! Our credit is being damaged. I believe they could be based on a PONZI SCHEME because they can keep the charade going by paying small bills but to actually pay significant bills would crumble their business model. I fear we have been completely screwed. I advise having nothing to do with this company. #LibertyHealthShare #PonziScheme"
"Attention Mr. Scott Burris.
My name is Barry Cohen and my Liberty Health Share membership number is 202302804. I am canceling my Liberty Health Share membership of the last few years because I NO LONGER TRUST LIBERTY HEALTH SHARE AT ALL because recently I discovered that you no longer promise and assure your customers that you will reimburse them within 90 days after they pay their health care costs in advance for doctors, medical testing and hospital stays as was stated in my contract when I first joined Liberty Health Share. I NOW FEEL THAT LIBERTY HEALTH SHARE IS A PONZI SCAM!
I discovered this when I called Liberty for reimbursement information for a possible future hernia repair. Soon after this discovery, I received an E-Mail from your company’s CEO apologizing for the poor customer service Liberty has been providing for quite some time with the promise to do better. Nowhere in this letter was the information to restore the 90-day health cost reimbursement agreement that was removed without notice to me! Also for the record, I have stayed healthy and never asked for any reimbursement since I joined Liberty at my cost of thousands of dollars a year!
After losing my trust in Liberty Health Share I joined Florida Blue on December 17th, 2019 and at the end of December, I attempted to contact Liberty Health Share to cancel without success due to not being able to get Liberty to answer my call. I then called back a few more times during the first week in January to finally get through on Jan 7th, 2020 which is one day after Liberty hit my bank for another $250.00.
When I called to cancel my account and to be reimbursed the $250.00 charged to me the day before since I already have another health insurance company I talked to supervisor Kathryn Davis that informed me that Liberty refuses to refund the $250.00 that they charged to me just yesterday after knowing that I have already secured other health insurance two weeks ago.
I am now demanding that Liberty Health Share of Ohio refund me the $250.00 they took from me Yesterday Jan 6th, 2020 immediately! If Liberty does not refund the $250.00 back to me and continues to show this gross bad faith to me I will do everything in my power to stimulate them to refund me said money.
I NOW FEEL THAT LIBERTY HEALTH SHARE IS A PONZI SCAM AND THEY SHOULD BE PROSECUTED FOR THIS HORRIBLE BAD FAITH NOT JUST TO ME BUT TO SO MANY OTHERS! MANY ARE SICK AND DYING! This will include posting information that includes this letter all over the internet to websites and blogs that are about health insurance and health share programs, I will contact the Federal Trade Commission In Washington DC to report this bad faith and possible fraud, I will register a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), I will send a complaint letter about Liberty to multiple divisions of the Mennonite Church to have Liberty’s actions of bad faith investigated.
I will contact multiple top-class action attorney firms to possibly litigate Liberty Health Share for possible fraud, damages and other actions to deceive their shareholders about refunding them for personal funds put out which will involve forcing Liberty to provide the records of every single shareholder for the last 3 years or so and I will also register and complaints with the department of insurance in multiple states.
I will commence these actions starting today Jan 7th, 2020 and I will not stop until the day I am refunded the $250.00 you took from me in bad faith or more! I recommend that you send a copy of this letter to your CEO and others involved. Be advised——I DON’T BLUFF!
I welcome Liberty to contact me for the sole reason to refund me the $250.00 in this cancelation notice and refund now also demand letter. My direct Phone Number is ***-***-****
Barry Cohen"
RSR Acquisition, LLC