"NIGHTMARE company to deal with. I paid my premiums to Liberty for years consistently (they auto-deduct from my account like clockwork). And then I was diagnosed with stomach cancer in May of 2019. I thought Liberty would be a partner of mine and step up and walk beside me financially. Instead it has been quite the opposite. It has been over 7 months now and Liberty has not paid my hospital bills. Now the hospital is putting my account in collections. I’ve made the tough decision to pay the bills myself out of my retirement account, so my credit is not destroyed.
What Liberty does is they take a hospital bill that is, say, $10,000. They decide to “reprice” it to what they think the service is worth. And it’s drastic too. They would say, it’s worth $2,000, for example. Then, they promise to pay that $2,000, but they don’t follow through (or haven’t in 7 months for me). In the meantime, the hospital is sending my bills to collections if I don’t pay the $10,000. The hospital says they won’t play the repricing game, so even if Liberty pays $2,000, I will be on the hook for the other $8,000. It unconscionable how Liberty can do this. When I was diagnosed, I thought I had a financial partner in them. Instead, they have become a huge stressor in my life, at a time that I didn’t’ need that.
I would have been MUCH better off telling the hospital that I am “self-pay”. That would get me a discounted rate. Then I could have paid that rate out of my pocket. Instead, I was charged the higher rate, Liberty isn’t paying them, and I will be on the hook for the full higher rate, or my credit will be destroyed. In the meantime, Liberty is still charging me my monthly premium.
I calculated that for the premiums I have paid (and continue to pay) to Liberty, I could have self-insured, and been better off. So I would have come out better off burning my money than giving my money to Liberty all of these years.
I’ve walked around with a false sense of security and peace of mind, thinking that Liberty would be there for me in my time of need. Please don’t make the same mistake I made. Don’t give your hard-earned money to this company. In my opinion, they are a fraud.
I have reported them to the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, in Ohio where they are located, and in Georgia where I live. I would have reported them to the Insurance Commissioners, but as the hospitals remind me all of the time “Liberty is not an insurance company”. I doubt my reporting them will have any effect, but I had to try.
"Like everyone else on this page I'm beyond frustrated with this fraud of a company.
1. They never process any claim in less than 6-12 months.
2. They only process a claim if you call about it continually. And I mean WEEKLY.
3. They don't cover the services they purport to in their own guidelines.
4. Their customer service representatatives have absolutely no power to solve anything.
5. They have no empathy for you as they idly destroy your credit with their non payments.
6. They lie. About EVERYTHING.
It's ridiculous the number of bills my family of 4 have had issues with- AND WE'RE HEALTHY! The two most irritating this year have been 1) Routine 50 yr old colonoscopy which they took 10 months to pay. They also only paid 30% of the bill so I'm stuck with a $2200 bill which is now in collections. THEY DON'T PAY FOR ROUTINE PREVENTATIVE CHECKUPS. The clinic where I had the procedure quoted $2000 for a cash payment. I should have just paid them at the time and dumped Liberty right then. GRRR... 2) Routine 11 yr old well-child checkup. They still haven't paid it 6 months out . It's $791 for all the vaccinations and exam which say they've repriced to $454 and denied any coverage. Yet another rep says the bill was "mis tagged" with the wrong code. Supposedly they're resubmitting. The last time that happened they still denied it months later and I went to collections. THEY DONT PAY FOR ROUTINE PREVENTATIVE CHECKUPS FOR KIDS EITHER.
"To sum up our displeasure (grossly understated) with the company, I will just attach an email sent to their customer service rep, as a brief insight of the disaster this company truly is... This is just a touch of what we experienced... (please read below)
"...We spoke TWO MONTHS ago about all of our outstanding bills that Liberty is not getting processed. And still, same old story, virtually nothing has improved or changed since we spoke on the phone when you told us our claims would get expedited seeing as some of them are 12+ months old and SEVERAL are into collections - to NO fault to us.
We have done our part in this to get our bills paid. Followed up with Liberty, spending countless hours (YES, hours) to "keep the fire going" so our bills get paid. I don't understand why we aren't being helped. It's a simple concept... we pay for the service, $300 a month - never late or missed a payment and in return our bills get reimbursed in "30-45 days" as advertised on the website. This obviously hasn't been the case in 90% + of our claims.
So, since then, collections agencies and clinic providers flood our mail every week with harassing letters looking for their money. And, time after time, all I can tell them is "It's on it's way..." Well, to no surprise, they are not believing me and have lost all patience. I have great dread now just going to the mailbox in fear of more and more harassing collections letters. Since then, my wife and I have been under a great deal of stress to which you have no idea how terrifying this all is. But, I honestly don't expect for anyone at Liberty to feel sorry for us or "understand what we're going through" because if that were the case, someone would have taken control of our outstanding claims that are just sitting there, doing nothing, and would have gotten them taken care of.
My wife and were hoping after being assigned a "personal liaison," things would actually start happening. Unfortunately, we seemed to have been tricked again. When we spoke on the phone we went through every single claim and figured out together what had to be done on Liberty's behalf to get the payments sent out to the providers. We did this about two months ago. You said you would call and get balance forward statements so you could expedite claims that Liberty have let fall through the cracks. I have since called the providers you claimed you would contact, of which, they say they haven't spoke to anyone from Liberty who was seeking such documents. Also, the attachments in this email were sent to you via your request so you could get them entered and expedited. They're not even in our Sharebox. Have you even looked at them since I sent the original email? Does it not matter that they're in collections? The fact some of the claims "didn't transfer over" during the new software and program update is not a good excuse as to why we aren't being helped either.
My wife and I have left you several voicemails in the last two weeks.
We don't deserve to be put out like this. We pay for a service, and Liberty is not following through on their end.
What is maybe the most frustrating concept to all of this is Liberty advertising to be a "Christian Fellowship" type of organization. So far, that has yet to be proven to us. This would not be the case if it were genuinely founded around Christian beliefs and morals / concepts.
We are at our end of our line. Seeking legal council is about all we have left and filing complaints to the Ohio Attorney General against Liberty Healthshare. I assume much of the same will continue until we escalate and take another step to get help, and if that's what it takes, so be it. We honestly have nothing else to to turn to at this point. I wish you could feel what we feel.
We will continue to call you again and again... and again.
With heavy and very frustrated hearts,
"If you want to spend countless hours on the phone with a different person each time, and get the same answer, which is "I don't know", this is the company for you!"
"I'm having the same experience as everyone else. They're not paying my bills. It's mid-December and I have collection notices coming from May bills. They answer the phone, talk to you like nothing's wrong, promise action within 2 weeks, "I'm turning it over to my lead supervisor," etc. My question is where can I go? Can anyone share the names of the companies they have turned to? Desperately looking for new options!"
"I have been with this healthshare for about 1.5 years with a husband and two small children. Loved the cost compared to private insurance, the discounts that come from being uninsured---scary but nearly all hospitals and doctor's offices will reduce bills greatly for this (NOT due to Liberty Healthshare), and initially all was well. Except 1.5 years later and I'm fighting them for $1500 they owe due to bills that fall under their categories. After many (I logged about 80% of the calls) calls I never got a "clear" answer about why my bills were rejected each person reviewed and said supplied information was adequate and the bill would be resubmitted quickly for review by the managers. Never happened. DO NOT fall for their business. We have paid out of pocket for over 90% of our medical costs. We have been reimbursed for a couple well visits after MANY calls. They are unreliable, untrustworthy, and I would NOT trust them in the case of a catastrophic event (which was the biggest reason we chose to have coverage). We will be cancelling ASAP. "
"After 2 years of constant fighting to get this company to pay ANYTHING, we finally dropped them today! This company is a BIG MISTAKE as evidenced by the rapid departure of their CEO after making people wait up to 14 months to have legitimate claims paid in 2018-19. Every interaction with them would start a claim process over again. We dealt with collections companies representing major insurance companies on several occasions threatening our credit due to Liberty Health Share not paying their bills. Their billing department will NEVER talk to you, nor will management. We can now finally breathe a sigh of relief and hire a real company that actually processes claims for members. Check this company out thoroughly before making the same mistake we made!"
"This company takes forever to pay bills if they pay them at all, they lie to you on what they will cover. They also lie about receiving paperwork, and expect you to get sub standard care so they don’t pay! "
"This company is not what I had expected it to be! My payment goes in every month like clockwork and my bills are very slow to be processed. I have NEVER, EVER been late on a payment of any kind my whole life and now after having surgery in May for colon cancer, many of my bills are not paid and I haven't be reimbursed for the bills that I have had to pay to stop the collection agencies from coming after us! Talk about frustrating!!
I have Washington National Insurance as a supplemental insurance and I receive a statement or a check in 7 business days and the issue is all settled!
Apparently the Mennonites 8th grade education isn't enough to run a responsible "healthshare" company!!
STAY AWAY unless you only want your money going to them!!"
"Just received a call yesterday from the "Special Projects" dept at LHS. Missed the call from them and they left a voicemail. To my surprise, I was provided with a direct # to get back to them at. I called and left a vmail explaining that I would be unavailable the remainder of the evening and asking them to call back tomorrow. I received a call at 2:29 this afternoon and from the same person (Lisa) who called me the previous day. She proceeded to explain about their team and how it is made up of more senior and knowledgeable/experienced team members who know the new and old system in and out. She explained that the billing team is smaller and their task is to focus on the new bills being submitted and getting them taken care of in a timely fashion. She was on the phone with me for 61 minutes while we went through bills that I had submitted that LHS had questions on. She and I were quickly able to identify the necessary info to resubmit some bills for reimbursement and some that the providers submitted late and outside the normal timely window so that they will get paid. She also took the time to answer a plethora of questions that I had regarding pre-notifications, chiropractic visits, existing bills that I didn't realize had been sent to LHS already that I had been working with the provider on, and several other things that have been bothering me since my wife and I delivered our twins on Oct 1st - especially regarding my concern over $130,000 in just NICU and hospital facility bills for my wife and two girls. Call over and questions answered, I proceeded to call the pre-notification line because we pre-not'd the pregnancy, but I didn't get around to calling about the delivery or the NICU. Waited on hold for 40m and another very friendly team member answered and informed me that the hospital and the NICU had both called to alert them about the stays and I was all cleared - everything had been pre-approved for sharing and they were just waiting on the hospital to get the bills to them!
So please, if you are having concerns about LHS, understand that this ministry is not some huge, soulless insurance conglomerate, but faith-filled believers that are doing their best to spot issues with their service, pivot, improve, and love on their members and they are going through member by member and proactively reaching out to resolve any and every outstanding issue!
If you are having issues and haven't been contacted by the Special Projects department yet, you can try calling them at ***-***-**** or you can call Carolyn at ***-***-****. She has been HANDS DOWN an AMAZING help and is clearly passionate about making sure everyone gets taken care of! Please respect her number and don't abuse it.
"It takes months for a bill just to be processed.
They do not reimburse the full amount after the AUA ("ductible") is met.
Here is an example: I had an MRI. It was pre-approved by Liberty. The going rate at the MRI clinic locally for an MRI is $759. I negotiated that amount down to $458.78 and paid for the MRI when I got it. I submitted this bill with CPT codes to Liberty and they finally got around to processing it. They only "Allowed" $206.22 for the MRI.
So instead of $458.78 being applied to my "deductible" they only applied $206.22. I have since submitted enough bills to fully cover the deductible so as it turns out I have lost the difference between $458.78 and $206.22 with is $252.56. I have 5 bills that are just like this and to date the total amount they stuck me with is over $600.
In good faith I negotiated the MRI cost down to an amount that is inline with the Healthcare Bluebook amount, but Liberty apparently knows where really cheap MRI's are that I don't. I will be appealing this whole mess."
"UPDATE 10/25/19
After leaving a couple of negative reviews and a BBB complaint online, we started getting some quick response from Liberty. According to Liberty reps, the company has seen some exponential growth this year along with many changes to their systems. This was the rationale given to me for my problems. Since we heard from them, they have worked quickly and efficiently to get our medical bills shared. I'm still waiting to see how providers handle the payments and repriced amounts from Liberty, but so far, things are much better than they were. My only additional concern - other than the providers' responses - is that this was a case of squeaky wheel gets the grease. But hopefully not. Just a fluke of growth and change - something getting lost in the shuffle - at least, we're chalking it up to that for now.
I am so disappointed in this company that propounds to be based on Christian Mennonite principles and whose mission is to make Christian healthcare sharing available and affordable to all.
We have been members for over 2 years. In that time, we have submitted medical expenses but have barely gone over our Annual Unshared Amount (AUA - equivalent to the idea of an insurance deductible).
This past May, my wife had a complicated surgery. We called ahead of time, got pre-authorization, worked with the hospital. In short, we tried to do everything right. Yet, five months later, there has not been one dollar paid on any of the bills - except for the cash deposit from us to the hospital of over $7K for which Liberty said we would receive a reimbursement, but alas, none has been forthcoming. There has not even been a repriced amount.
On their website, it shows all of the expenses submitted for my wife's surgery, it shows repriced amounts, and it shows that they've been "submitted for sharing." But it's been that way for months now and there's been no progress. No sharing has actually occurred. In other words, no bills have been paid.
And now, we are receiving threatening letters from providers. I don't blame them. They are owed money for their services. Christians should pay their bills. And businesses that espouse Christian principles should live up to their word.
If you look at the history of complaints on Better Business Bureau, it appears that the number of complaints has been rising quite substantially lately. This doesn't bode well for us. It appears that the company may be in trouble and is having a hard time getting expenses shared as promised.
They've only been around 7 years or so, but the death knell may be sounding. It's too late for us; we're going to be burdened with this for years to come apparently. But it's not too late for you. Run! Run hard! Run fast! And find a better share plan or get a job at Starbucks and get traditional insurance."
"It was great at the beginning. The limited number of doctors who are part of this organization can see you immediately, or at least within reason compared to the other offices who can't see you for a 1-2 weeks. Seldom was there anyone else in the waiting room, the wait for the doctor to see you was maybe 5-10 minutes. Docs respond quickly. A BIG bonus. After being on it for a couple years, they burdened the insured with submitting monthly reimbursements. For example, it began at $199/month, then increased last year to $249. The doc's office initially charged $89/mo; now charges you $98/month. Total $347 (compared to Obamacare that jumped me from $248/mo to $849/mo) was a big relief. You need to submit a DPC (Direct Primary Care) Reimbursement Request, a DPC Practice Info sheet and a copy of your paid receipt from your doc. This has to be done every 90 days if you want them to reimburse you a portion that is approx $50/mo. I think they do this hoping/knowing people will forget or not bother leaving more $ in their grubby little hands.
So let's talk about hospitalization. Like many others here, they've not paid anything to the hospital, radiologist, physician, etc. For months. They were sent itemized lists, but play a game called, 'we never received' it. Sure. When I began receiving threatening letters from collection agencies, I sent copies of itemized lists yet they continue to blame it on you. You're to go to your 'Sharebox" to read that status of everything. They make the process of all these 'elite forms' with acronyms up the ying-yang so frigging difficult that you're ready to go self pay.
Time to report to the BBB, Attorney General's Office and maybe the CEO. They really need to walk their talk."
"DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. Still have bills that are being "processed" since 08/2017. We have a total of $15,916 that we have been waiting to be refunded to us for over a year. The only positive experience has been the customer service being cordial when you call looking for updates until you find out they just tell you what you want to hear to get you off the phone.
Through frustration and financial hardship that has been passed onto my family by using this company I sat on the phone with customer service for over an hour to speak to a manager. Gabriel extension 2286 said she would take care of everything, apologized for the delay, and gave us a strict date of when we can receive our overdue refunds. When that date passed I called again and the representative bluntly said "That's a sales manager who doesn't have control over processing your refunds and shouldn't of advised on a date or anything. There's nothing we can to do expedite your refunds I apologize."
Other lies that you will constantly hear from customer service:
"We have submitted these for prompt pay."
"We have marked these as urgent."
"You receive your refunds within the next two months."
"All bills have been processed."
"We're just waiting for the checks to be cut/processed."
"It's our new system."
I have been promised multiple times different dates of when we would expect the checks to be delivered but when they don't come in I call and get a different excuse or am told one of the lies above.
Bills are in collections ruining my families credit, other charges that we had to put on credit cards have accrued more interest than what the bills were initially for. When explaining how this company is jeopardizing my family financially they appear apologetic but then explain that there is nothing they can do.
I'm in the process of reaching out to my states attorney general, getting a personal attorney, and also spreading the message as far and wide as possible so nobody else makes the mistake of believing this company is anything but a scam. We selected them for their Christian background but am now realizing that's just part of the lies.
Here's my Account #012323823 so everyone knows this review is genuine. I've unfortunately been a member for over 2 years and have tried to be patient but I can't take the lies anymore."
"I give Liberty Healthshare a 0 out of 5. They blatantly lied to me. I requested a cancellation letter for Nov. 1 2018 and I have it. I can send it to anyone that would like to see it. In February of 2019 I received a new charge to my credit card in the amount of $604 from Liberty Healthshare for a February 2019 premium payment. I called Liberty and spoke with a manager Dennis at extension 1066 and he told me I definitely should not have been charged for that month. I had already notified my CC company and told them it was a bogus charge. Dennis told me that since the charge was in dispute with the CC company that he wouldn’t be able to refund me the money. Actually his exact words were “if the charge wasn’t in dispute then he could refund me my money today.” So to make a long story short I decided to go ahead and take the credit card charge out of dispute because the CC company told me it would take about 6 to 8 weeks for the dispute to run its course. Since Dennis had already told me they would immediately refund my money if it wasn’t in dispute I asked the CC company to take it out of dispute. Which they did… and wouldn’t you know it when I called back and spoke with Dennis he told be that they wouldn’t be able to refund my money because I didn’t go through the proper process to cancel my account. If I didn’t go through the proper process to cancel my account then why do I have a cancellation letter from Liberty Healthshare that shows my account as cancelled as of October 31, 2018. They blatantly lied and tricked me into cancelling my dispute with the CC company. And now the CC company is telling me they can’t re-open the dispute. So here I am with a cancellation letter from Liberty Healthshare for October 31, 2018, and a $604 charge on my CC account for a February 2019 bill from Liberty Healthshare, 3 months after my account is cancelled, that’s racking up interest costs every month. Very dishonest business practices… especially for what is supposed to be a faith-based company. I have all of the phone numbers and documents if anyone is interested. Pretty unbelievable. "
RSR Acquisition, LLC