"AVOID AVOID AVOID. They take your order (paid through Paypal, the great fraud facilitator) and ship you counterfeit product from Hong Kong.
In this case it was for two Samsung WEP-200 Bluetooth headsets. What arrived was in a cheesey-looking knock-off package without the usual Samsung authenticity markings on it. I have genuine Samsung product with which to compare the product, and it's obvious that what these thieves sent me was counterfeit. The instructions were in Chinese! And even when trying to get them to work, they don't. They don't even fit properly into the charging "coffin". What a joke.
I've tried contacting them about this (hahaha) but, naturally, they don't respond to email or their web "contact us" form.
I'm going to try a chargeback through PayPal, but that usually doesn't work. I should have been more cautious, since only scammers use PayPal for its layer of protection against credit card chargebacks.
These people are frauds. Period. Don't be stupid. Buy from someone reputable."