"I shop and get money back. It's simple. No reason not to use Rakuten."
"I loved using Ebates and feel that I will also love using Rakuten. CRM1808"
"Received an email and cash back record within 2 days. A+"
"I am not happy with Rakuten. Every time I tried to use Rakuten gives me a message that I could not get into merchants. I do not go to Rakuten anymore i go straight to the merchants."
"Referred two people and all of us are happy!"
"I love getting an extra bonus while shopping online. "
"Most of the shops that I use don't have rebates featured, so I use it for Amazon and random one off's for purchases. Bring back Ebates!! No one knows what this word is or calls it that now. I referred a friend last month and told her Ebates and she knew what I was talking about. "
"Too many times I have to ask where are my rewards."
"Why not take advantage of free money. So easy to do, just sign on to the store you are buying from. No hassle and money arrives via check."
"just use as before with ebates"
"The transition from ebates has been seamless "
"Everyone I place a order to a certain Co. over $150 I never received my %, but when I place a order under $100 I get an email stated how much I recurved. When I required about it I used to get a follow up email, these last couple of times I did not get respond. "
"Being paid to shop is AMAZING!"
"Just as good as Ebates! I love it