"When you puchase from them and decide you don't like something you got that is called an "ACCESSORY" you CAN'T return it for a refund. They will only give you store credit. If it is used in any way, they won't take it back AT ALL. This means trying out a product and finding it is not to your satisfaction, leaves you completely in the dust for a refund. If it's used in any way, they will return it back to you and you have to pay the postage or they will just keep it. Ask all questions before purchasing from this company or you might be crying the blues when they tell you NO, NO, NO when you asked for your money back. Who wants to have a store credit when you hate the company and their INSANE REFUND RULES? These people take your money with a smile on their faces, but remember a smile is just a frown turned upside down. Go somewhere else like Amazon who is more than happy to refund you with no questions asked. Thumbs down on this company!"